The Bet and the Dare; part 38

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I stormed down the street in long, angry strides, letting the feel of the concrete pounding on the soles of my shoes and into my feet fill my mind. Angry color rose up my neck and my cheeks and brightened my eyes. There was no mirror for me to look in, but I could feel the heat in my skin. My hands were clenched in tight fists at my sides. I started walking faster and faster, until I was jogging, then sprinting.

I ran down the sidewalk as fast as my legs would carry me. My lungs burned with every inhale and exhale but I kept going. Sprinting. I didn't even know where I was going. I was just going. My Vans weren't really meant for running, but it didn't matter. Neither were the mini skirt or the long sleeved tee-shirt. Yet run I did. And instead of slowing down, I kept speeding up. My legs carried me faster and faster as I flew down the sidewalk. My hair flowed behind me, caught in the wind.

As I ran, visions came to my mind. Visions I didn't want to see. Chris walking out of the door when I was little. Men walking in and out of my house as April saw fit. My life before Greyson. Then him. Greyson's face. Smiling, frowning, sad and absurdly handsome with every expression. And concern. With that, the picture of April came to my mind again. One part of my mind, the sane part of my mind, yelled in protest of the vision. Yet it didn't leave.

Finally I stopped running and leaned over, forearms braced on my knees, breathing hard. My hair stuck to the beck of my neck in a cold sweat, the rest of it tumbled around my face, hiding it from the passing people. I didn't cry. I'd cried so much lately, all my tears seemed to be gone. In my back pocket, my phone was vibrated insistently. I took it out and answered,

"What?" in my short-tempered way.

"Thank god, you're still okay," Greyson breathed. I raised my eyebrows.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"Van Winter," he told me. "He's here." I laughed.

"What? Are you two chatting up about me? How cute." Greyson growled something that didn't sound very flattering under his breath then snapped,

"Fuck no. He attacked Charlie. Who is also here."

"Charlie?" The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

"My old drug dealer. The one who put me in rehab," he told me in a 'duh' voice.

"Whatever. Just because your old drug dealer got the shit beat put of him doesn't mean I'm going to. I'll be fine. Just leave. Me. Alone." With that I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket. Before I could do anything else, though, I saw a tall dark figure walking towards me and I froze. He grinned at me.

"Your turn, Victoria," he told me. My eyes went wide, and I turned to flee, wishing for my gun.


I looked at my phone for a minute, feeling bereft, then set it on the counter and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You okay, mate?" Charlie asked me in a concerned voice. I shrugged my shoulders a little, squeezing my eyes shut. Kalshan had to listen to me. Somehow, I had to make her. If Laurence got his hands on her, it wouldn't be pretty. Instinctively, I knew that. She had thwarted him, escaped him, been stronger than him. His pride wouldn't allow that and Kal, my Kalshan, would suffer because of it.

"What happened?" he asked. I looked up to see Charlie looking at me, concerned.

"She wouldn't listen," I told him. "You know what Laurence is going to do if he gets his hands on her." Charlie nodded seriously. He sure as hell knew. My phone vibrated and I quickly slid it open.

HE FOUND ME! was all the text said.

"I have to go," I told Charlie. I took a gun from under my coat and gave it to him. "Keep this, just in case." He nodded, took the gun, and the last sound I heard as I left the room was him checking the magazine.

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