The Bet and the Dare; part 21

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I looked at Grey who had a rather bemused look on his face. Like he was thinking 'she has another family?' He probably was thinking that. My father's family wasn't a common topic of conversation for me. I didn't know why, but it wasn't something I liked to talk about. I still had Grey's hand in mine. I looked up at him and gave a small shrug. My dad was scrutinizing Greyson closely. Then he asked,

"Greyson Beaumont?" Grey nodded.

"Yes sir." Dad's eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

"You anything like your father?" he asked. Greyson swallowed hard and I felt his palm sweating. I squeezed his hand gently.

"No sir," he answered in a chocked voice. Daddy gave him another glare, then smiled and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Well then, son, welcome. Come on, let's eat." I looked back at Greyson who was letting out a breath he'd apparently been holding. I smiled a bit at him and led him into the kitchen. Kyle was running in circles around us, going on about school and how he got homework and how he was going to marry his teacher when he grew up. I laughed and ruffled his hair. Dad had made a huge Italian meal. I smiled at the sight. Real food. And I hadn't even had to cook it.

"So, Greyson," Dad started when we sat down. "How do you know Kalshan." Grey swallowed his food and answered,

"We go to school together." He looked down at me with a sly smile. I rolled my eyes slightly but smiled back.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" dad asked out of the blue. I choked on my water and started coughing. Grey was holding back laughter, Natalie looked horrified and Daddy looked frighteningly serious.

"Um, I'm not exactly sure yet sure, sir," Grey choked out. When he looked down at me, though, making sure dad couldn't see, I could see very clearly what his intentions were. He winked then turned back to Daddy.

"I assure you, though, sir, they are ENTIRELY honorable," he said in a sincere voice. What a liar. If his intentions were honorable I was the Virgin Mary.

"Good," dad answered in a firm voice. "Because if they weren't, I own a shotgun." I buried my face in my hands and groaned quietly. I hadn't known daddy was this protective. The rest of dinner went on in a similar manner, dad questioning Grey and Grey giving totally bull-shit answers so he sounded like a perfectly angelic teen that he just wasn't. After dinner we all stood up and dad asked me,

"Dishes, Kal?" I nodded. We always did the dishes together. It sounds weird, but it was one of those things I loved about coming home. We would play sixties music like Frank Sinatra and dance around the kitchen singing as we got the kitchen clean.

"Greyson, are you good with cars?" Natalie asked.

"Yes, I am." She smiled.

"Good, you can come take a look at mine." They walked off, with Kyle following, looking at Grey like a god. I watched after him as well, my eyes slipping to that excellent ass of his. My dad cleared his throat. I blushed and started gathering dishes mutely.

"So what happened?" daddy asked while he was filling the sink and I was looking through his playlists on his ipod. "With April." I froze and felt my back stiffen.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked. "That's why you left." My voice broke a bit at the end.

"Yes. You could have come with," he defended himself needlessly.

"I know. I just... I couldn't. Not with Kariana there alone." He nodded and leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest and looking at the floor. We'd never had an awkward moment, but this moment almost felt awkward.

"Same as I couldn't stay," he said finally. I nodded. I understood. "How's Kari?" he asked. I smiled.

"She's great." Daddy came over and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Kal," he whispered. I just hugged him back tighter.


It got way too late drive back to the hotel so we ended up staying overnight at Darien's house. I got the room next to Kal's and it was there I lay and looked up at the ceiling that night, marveling at her family. In Vermont she obviously had Kari, April didn't really count, but this was different. Kalshan was different here. She was actually a child instead of being the adult like she was in Vermont with her mother. I liked this Kal. She smiled a lot, she sang and danced around a kitchen, she raced around a house with a little boy squealing. She was beautiful and open instead of the mysterious, sexy woman I'd first met.

I glanced at my phone for the time and realized it was one in the morning. Just as I was about to fall asleep Kal knocked quietly and crept inside, shutting the door behind her. I sat up and scooted a bit to the right so there would more room for Kal. She crawled up on the bed and curled up next to me.

"He knew," she whispered. "That's why he left her. Even when they were married April was selling herself. When he found out, he left." I pulled her under my arm so her head was resting on my shoulder. She looked up at me.

"And Maximus is... is..." she couldn't seem to finish, so I finished the sentence for her.

"April's pimp. Yeah, I know. I figured it out when he came home from work before eleven o-clock because she called him." Kalshan nodded and turned her face back towards my neck.

"So I guess we have fucked up parents together," she said in a dry voice. I gave a humorless laugh.

"Looks like." I gave her a small squeeze in a half-hug. "You know, Kalshan, I think I actually like you." She gave a small laugh.

"Gee, thanks Grey." We were quiet for a moment, until Kal whispered, "I think I like you too." Her face was still right by my neck, and Kal leaned over so her lips pressed to the skin right under my ear. Heat ran down my neck and curled into my stomach. Her arm stretched out so it was wrapped around my waist. My arms moved as well so they were wrapped around her. Her lips moved over, across my cheek, and to my lips. She lifted one leg over my hip so we were tangled together, pressed from chest to hip. One of her hands drifted down to grab my ass. I smiled a bit against her lips and pulled away to kiss her neck.

"Isn't that supposed to my move?" I asked in a joking voice. Kal breathed out a small laugh.

"Mine now." We went on for a little while, maybe a half hour, until finally we fell asleep, still curled around each other.


aww... Grey and Kal are falling in wuuuvvvv. haha. or, serious lust... guess we'll find out. ;)

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