The Bet and the Dare; part 39

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I sat in the middle of a warehouse, a gag in my mouth (on the plus side, it was clean) and my hands tied behind my bag. My ankles were tied to the legs of a metal chair and there were two big, bulky thugs with machine guns standing guard by me. The younger one, who looked to be about twenty-five, leered at me as he stood watch, making me gag more than the cloth tied around my mouth.

I wasn't sure how long I sat there before Laurence walked in, looking crisp and clean in a neat, gray suit and a dark purple, silk button down shirt. His hair was brushed back in its usual, neat style and a small smile rode his lips. When he unbuttoned his jacket I could see a shoulder holster holding two guns in it. Laurence dismissed the guards and ungagged me.

"Damn, Laurence, I never expected you to be so very cliché," I told him in a sweet voice. He slapped me across the face so hard the force made my head turn. The cheek tingled with painful heat.

"Shut up, Kalshan," he spat at me. "You're in no position to bait me. Do you not see where you are?"

"No. I'm blind," I answered flippantly. He hit me on the jaw, cutting my cheek against my tooth. I spit out blood onto Laurence's shiny shoes.

"You never learn, do you?" he asked. "I suppose you can't teach a bitch new tricks, though, can you?" I smiled and shrugged as much as I could. Laurence looked confused, so I guessed I didn't look like I was shitting bricks, even if I was.

"I don't know. Since I was with you, I've learned some pretty interesting... tricks," was my response. Laurence punched me hard in the gut. I forced my breath out and tightened my muscles when I saw where the hit was directed, but it still hurt like a bitch.

"Aw, it's cute when you're jealous, Laurie," I taunted him. Dumb idea. I got another punch to the gut, an elbow to the collar bone, and a hard backhand to the other side of my face. I clenched my teeth and held back a whimper. I was pretty sure he cracked my collar bone, positive there was going to be major tissue bruising over my ribs, and I was going to have a black eye.

"SHUT UP!" he roared. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to scream. My bravery was running out and now I just wanted to curl up and disappear.

"Why, Laurence?" I asked quietly. "Why would you do this to me?"


As I drove down the street I activated the app on my iphone with the GPS. I'd put Kal's phone on my list the night before when she'd been asleep. The map came up and Kalshan's position was marked by a red dot on the map. I clicked on the spot to see what was in the area. An abandoned warehouse was on the list. I drove home to get extra fire power, then made my way to the outskirts of town. It would be just like Laurence to be as cliché as to hold her in an abandoned warehouse. Lucky for me, that would make Kalshan easier to find. Hopefully I would find her in time.


And the anticipation builds... :) xoxo~Ash

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