The Bet and the Dare; part 7

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So i decided to ditch Tale of Two cities and write another couple pages. :) hope you all like it!



Twelve o-clock found me putting Kari down for the last time that night with a large bowl by her bed incase she needed to throw up again. My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my pocket to see a text from Mariah saying,

Out front

I grinned and ran down the stairs and out the front door. She was indeed there, sitting calmly in her Lexus, a pout on her face. When I walked out she got of the front seat.

"It's in the trunk." We opened the trunk of the car and pulled the cases of dye out. "I had nothing to do with this," Mariah told me in a severe voice. I handed her three hundreds and grinned.

"'Course not."

* * *

Caleb had been very helpful in my plan, not that he knew it. Of course I could have gone online and spent all that time trying to find Greyson's address, but Caleb had been obliging enough as to give it to me. As it turned out, Grey lived almost directly behind one of my ex-boyfriends, Danny, who had also been so obliging as to let me use his house. So at one in the morning I rang his doorbell, a grin plastered on my face and my back-back slung over my shoulder, filled with buttercup yellow dye. He opened the door wider, inviting me in.

"I don't want to know what you're doing Kalshan, so don't tell me." I laughed and headed for the back door.

"Don't worry, this is a strictly "need to know" mission. I pulled up my hood and headed outside. Jumping the fences proved to be easy. Over two, back one, and I was in Greyson's yard. Damn nice yard, too. Kid had money. A lot. Then again, that had been displayed at dinner earlier that evening. I looked around, getting my bearings. This was going better than I had thought it would. Then the fucking dog started barking. A window opened somewhere in the house and I froze, trying not even to breathe.

"Shut up, Killer!" Greyson's voice called out. I pulled a bone out of my back-pack and offered it to the dog, no longer paralyzed. He took it, wagging his tail, and trotted off. The window closed and I breathed. Okay, business. I pulled out a few containers of yellow dye and poured them into the pool, one after the other. That done, it was time to find the filter. Wouldn't want the dye to get out of the pool before morning...


I got up with a splitting headache, my stupid dog had woken me up around one in the morning barking at some phantom. Stupid animal. I had no idea why we even had him. It wasn't as though he were a good guard dog. Give him a bone and he would go away, wagging his tail. With a groan, I rolled out of bed and changed into my swimming trunks. Getting in my pool would help, as it always did. I trudged down the stairs, past the kitchen where Maximus was already having his morning coffee, and to the backyard. I executed a perfect dive into the water, and started swimming my daily laps.

When I was finished, I dried off with my yellow towel and laughed a little. A buttercup yellow towel. Like my own buttercup. I paused for a moment, my buttercup? She wasn't my anything. Except my nightly fun for a couple months after this next six weeks. That fact reestablished, I went inside and to the kitchen for water. A glance at the clock told me I didn't have time for a shower, so I sprinted up the stairs, got dressed, and quickly glanced the mirror then walked away. Then looked again, walked away, looked again. I was fucking buttercup yellow.

"That bitch!"

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