The Bet and the Dare; part 22

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I woke up warm and comfortable with someone wrapped around me... wait, this felt familiar. I turned to see Greyson. He groaned slightly in his sleep, protesting at losing his spot on my neck. I looked down and realized once again my shirt had come off. What was it with Grey and his ability to get me undressed? With a sigh, I turned my head so it was resting back on the pillow. I would have gotten up, but with Grey's arms wrapped around my waist, his legs tangled with mine, and his head resting in the crook of my neck, there was no way I could move without waking him. But I could smell bacon. And pancakes. And coffee, my daddy's perfect coffee. I almost groaned.

"Hello," Greyson murmured in my ear, tightening his arms momentarily. His lips didn't leave my ear, instead he kissed and nibbled on my earlobe. His hand coasted over my bare torso and down to my hip, dragging my back closer to my chest.

"I love you with your cloths off," he purred in my ear. Okay, NOW I groaned. Especially when that hot mouth moved across to my throat and to my lips. He gently pushed me so I was under him. His hips settled over mine and I could feel him totally ready. So was I, especially after last night. I couldn't remember being so horny. He gave a sexy nip at my lip and tried to pull away but I gripped his hair and pulled his head back down to mine. Greyson laughed against my lips and lightly kissed me back, then pulled away and lifted himself off my body in push-up position. The muscles in his arms flexed which totally didn't help me.

"Come on," I whined. "Aren't the guys supposed to be horny ones who don't stop?" Grey just laughed at that and ran his hand up and down my side, coasting over the side of my breast as it moved up. I bit my lip and Greyson, noticing the gesture, bent and kissed that spot, making me moan half in protest to such treatment and half in pleasure. He continued kissing down to my belly-button, barely nipping or licking in some places. I seriously purred in pleasure. All the sex I'd had, no one had made me purr before. Then here came along Greyson who made purr just with foreplay.

"I happen to have a lot of self-control," he grinned down at me. "And I just can't with your dad downstairs. Not after I promised him my intentions with you are entirely honorable." I ran my hands over his shoulders, perfect arms, and gorgeous abs and growled,

"Lie." Grey laughed again. He managed to sound blasé, but I could see his eyes darkening, his skin was becoming flushed, and his muscles clenched under my hands. Just when I thought I would win, Grey got off the bed, swallowing so hard his Adam's apple bobbed. I sat up and tossed my hair over my shoulder, giving Greyson my best, most seductive smile.

"Come one, Grey. You know you want it," I said in a husky voice. He just laughed, got dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast. With a pout, I followed suit.


Darien had a whole, big breakfast ready, bless him. When Kal and I got downstairs, he scrutinized us closely. Kal pulled the sleeves of her shirt down to cover half her hands and gave me a glare. Okay, so, yeah, she was kind of bruised from me. In my defense, she got totally hot and bothered with a certain amount of bondage and pain. I looked her over again and nearly laughed out loud at the hickies running down her neck and disappearing into her shirt. Her lips were still swollen from my kissing and kind of bruised from nips. I realized I had to look much the same. Damien glared at me. I was wary at drinking the coffee he offered me.

"SLEEP well kids?" he asked, putting extra stress on 'sleep.' Kal gave him a wide-eyed innocent look and chirped,

"Yep," as if it wasn't totally obvious something that wasn't exactly chaste had happened between us.

"And you, sir?" I asked. His eyes narrowed and the glare got worse. I swallowed hard, remembering his threat of the shotgun.

"I slept just fine. I always do with Natalie close by. And especially lately. With the baby on the way." Dear lord, he was threatening me with fatherhood. At least I could safely say that if Kalshan was pregnant, which I doubted considering I'd seen pretty much her entire body, it wasn't mine. Kal grinned, took a plate piled high with food, and patted her dad on the shoulder.

"Don't worry daddy. There was no sexual intercourse- last night." If you didn't count me going down on her as sexual intercourse... Damien paled slightly, most likely at the pause between "intercourse" and "last night." The poor man. Apparently Kalshan had a thing for torturing more than just me. We ate in uncomfortable silence, then it was time for Kal and me to leave. Thank god. Kal hugged her dad one last time. Damien gave me a not-so-subtle threat, and we left.

"Well, that was fun," Kal chirped as we drove back to the hotel. I just glared over at her. She just grinned and leaned over to kiss me full on the mouth. While I was driving. And I couldn't stay mad. I sighed and continued driving. I still had to shower and I had to make visiting hours for Anabelle that day. I looked over at Kal and smiled. It was time she met my twin.


So, i'll totally try to get another installment out this week, but no promises. I haven't worked on my book in FOREVER. and i'm scared if I keep putting it off, Alyssa is going to attack me when i get home to Cali. And soccer players are brutal!!! xoxo~Ash

P.S. after I finish Bet/Dare, i'll be starting another story. Just a head's up!

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