The Bet and the Dare; part 5

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It wasn't a delusion. He really called me Buttercup. I'd never been one for pet names as it was, but Buttercup? Where the hell did he come up with that one? I could only watch in horror as he walked up to me, that charming smile on his face, from across the hall. People had literally stopped in their tracks to watch what would happen next. I wasn't exactly known for being tolerant, and random guys I didn't like hitting on me wasn't something I generally tolerated. But then, it wasn't anything I had to deal with often. Most guys had more brains then pretty boy walking towards me.

"Payback's a bitch," he whispered when he reached me. Was he talking about the draft? It wasn't that big a shot. Then I realized, he wasn't talking about the draft. He was talking about the next six weeks which were about to be publicized. Before I could pass him and make a run for it, Greyson had me backed up against the lockers, one hand on each side of me. I was about to protest, but then he pressed his lips to mine. I honestly didn't mean to kiss him back; in fact, I protested for a good three seconds. But he was just, so good. He barely nipped at my top lip, forcing my mouth to open, then he was just- everywhere and I forgot how to think. His hands ran down my sides, to my hips, and around to my ass. I small sound of surprise came to my lips, but was lost into his mouth.

Then it was over and Greyson was grinning down at me, his lips moist from kissing. And god, he looked hot. He hadn't backed away, so we were still pressed, chest to thigh. The crows was pretending to be paying attention to each other, while really watching us.

"I just thought we shouldn't have to keep it a secret any longer," I realized Grey was talking. "I know it's all moving so fast, but why shouldn't everyone know?" I was over his mediocre kiss. Okay, so not mediocre, but just okay. Who was I kidding? It was a mind blowing out of this world kiss, but this was not the time to focus on that!

"Can I talk to you outside?" I asked, forcing a sweet smile to my lips. Greyson smiled back and wrapped an arm around my waist, ensuring I had to stay with him, and led me to the outside hallway which was, thank god, empty.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked. Grey shrugged.

"I'm pretty sure that was me kissing you senseless and making the rest of the school think we've been secretly together." I opened my mouth, then closed it again. What did you answer to that? It was so fucking beyond absurd.

"First, you did not kiss me senseless." Grey's smile just widened.

"I think that's up for debate, my dear." I rolled my eyes.

"Second, where do you come off making everyone think we're dating? All I have to do is contradict you." Greyson laughed at me. I crossed my arms under my chest, then realizing when Greyson's eyes drifted there that the gesture enhanced my cleavage, I moved my hands to my hips.

"You really think you're going to contradict me? No one's going to believe you." He started walking towards me, pushing me into retreat until I was against the wall. "See, I'm becoming just as well known and liked as you, Kalshan. If you put me down in front of all those people, your reputation will be smoke. And mine will just keep building. I'll have the pity of everyone in school that Kalshan, notorious for serial dating, couldn't handle settling down for any length of time. And you, dearest Kalshan," he laughed a little at the endearment, "will have only contempt." I didn't want to admit it, but dammit the boy was right.

"So what do you propose?" I asked.

"I would think that was obvious. I propose we start dating." I pursed my lips, then a brilliant idea came to mind.

"I bet you can't handle me for six weeks." Greyson grinned down at me.

"What are the terms?" he asked.

"I win, your hot little BMW is mine." Greyson raised an eyebrow. "You pick what you want," I told him.

"I win, I get laid by you as many times as I want for two months after the bet." I considered that for a moment. "Take it or leave it," Grey shrugged.

"We're on."


I sent out a text to everyone telling them the bet was rolling. And now, not only did I have my bet with the gang going for me, I had one going with Kal. And an interesting one at that, I knew Kalshan was experienced, she was kind of notorious for it, but she wasn't overt about it. She had killer good looks, a perfect chest, glorious legs, but she always managed to show class when showing off her assets. I liked that about her. I was fascinated by it. And it made me want to rip off those cloths, that cool persona, throw her on my bed and see if I could make her scream. An interesting thought to keep me through physics and on to lunch.

We all agreed to go to a local café that day for lunch. All sixteen of us. And I would be going with Kalshan on my arm acting as my girlfriend. This was going to be such an interesting hour. The interest started right when Kal came out of her PE class, her white v-neck tee shirt clinging to her skin where small amounts of sweat had built up, and her long legs gleaming from being outside, running around for an hour. Most girls just looked gross sweaty, Kal managed to make it look like the sexiest thing on earth.

"Hey, Buttercup," I grinned. "You look hot." I let my eyes run over her slowly and a grin spread on my face. "In more ways than one." She raised her sharply arched eyebrows at me.

"Do you need to so obviously strip me down every time you see me for god's sake?" she snapped. I laughed.

"We haven't gotten near the stripping part, Kalshan. But we can certainly go there if you like." She rolled her eyes and brushed past me, tossing that shiny, chestnut hair over her shoulder. When we met up with the group right outside the main building, she automatically separated herself from me and went to walk with Spencer, Sunny, and Gavin who were farthest away from me. I allowed it. The café would be filled with people from our school, I would make a scene then.

When we got to the café I ordered a piece of pizza and, when Kal only ordered coffee, made it two. I liked my girls slender, not skinny. Kal ditched me to go mingle and I just watched for a while until she reached a group of jocks. Then I was slightly more attentive. Our food was placed in front of me, but I decided to watch for just a moment more. Kal said something that made one of the jocks laugh and slap her butt. I pushed away from the table and walked over to them. I wrapped my arms around Kal's waist and bent down so my face was close to hers.

"Buttercup, our food is ready," I said in a crooning voice. The guys at the table started snickering until one of them finally burst out,

"Buttercup?!" They all started laughing.

"Mmh," was all she replied. She gave the boys a wicked smile and turned around in my arms. The smile turned to more of a sneer. My head was pulled down to meet her lips. Her tongue traced my teeth. The restaurant was filled with cheers and hollers. Kal's knee started sliding up my inner thigh. My stomach bunched into a single, fisted knot. She paused momentarily half way up my thigh then suddenly kneed me hard in the groin while simultaneously biting my lip until almost bled. I pulled away and doubled over from the pain. She just grinned. As Kal passed she bend over, so her luscious ass would be fully on view to the football players behind her and her chest was fully revealed to me. She put her lips right to my hear and hissed,

"Call me Buttercup again, bitch."

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