The Bet and the Dare; part 36

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I walked into stagecraft feeling worn and tired. Haggard. Not even my coffee was helping. And I hadn't seen Greyson's car in the lot, which I took as a bad sign. That meant he absolutely didn't want to see me. Which I knew meant I had wounded him terribly. Once again, I wanted to simply collapse and cry. Instead, I forced a smile to my face and took a deep drink of my coffee, burning my tongue.

"Hey all!" I called out. Everyone turned to see me. Then I was bombarded with questions.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Why didn't you leave directions?"

"Do you not fucking care about this play at all?!" all came flying at me at once. I held up a hand, silencing them.

"First question, I was in LA, visiting family. Second question, I redid the set design. Third question, of course I care. I redid the damn set design, didn't I? Any more questions?" Chris piped up,

"More of a complaint. You know we can't read you're damn drafts." I turned and looked out at the stage.

"For being unable to read the drafts, the set came out quite nicely." They were all mute, my point proven, I proceeded on to the loft where I threw myself down on the couch and laid there, half asleep, still sipping at my coffee. The peaceful moment was interrupted when Morgan came up and sat herself right down next to me.

"So, Grey was gone too," she commented. I felt myself stiffen slightly at the mention of his name, but managed to keep mostly cool about it.

"Hm, he did mention something about a trip. I suppose he figured since we would both be gone it would be the best time." I flashed her my best "innocent" smile. Granted, I was entirely innocent. Or, mostly innocent. It wasn't like anything had happened while we were away... Or, nothing too bad.

"This is the problem with having friends who are so good at lying," she muttered. I laughed, and though it felt strained it sounded entirely real.

"I'm not lying. Cross my heart and hope to die." Dying actually didn't sound like such a bad idea right now. Except for Kariana. I could never leave her on her own. She'd already lost her mother. Not that it would really impact her life all that much, not having April. Not having me, however, would make her entire life fall apart. I wondered if taking Greyson out of the situation right now was best for her. She really liked Greyson, I could tell. And he made a good father figure. He was careful around her, he never argued with me in her presence, he even made her pancakes. Would living with Greyson really be so bad?

Yes! The rational part of my mind argued. Living with him for a little while would turn into a permanent arrangement. Then what would we do? Greyson and I didn't share some great love, no matter what he told himself. We lusted after one another and made decent friends. But eventually we would both move on to other people. My boyfriend wouldn't like me living with a past lover and his girlfriend wouldn't like the situation either. Kari and I would have to leave. Cutting it off sooner would be best for both of us. Like pulling a Band-Aid off quickly. The pain recedes quicker.

"Um, hello! Earth to Kal?!" I looked at Morgan blankly for a moment.

"Sorry. I was thinking." She shook her head a little.

"Deep thoughts." I shrugged. She had no idea.


Charlie was laying in the clearing, hugging his knees to his chest. Blood came from his mouth when he coughed and from what of his body I could see his body was covered in bruises and scratches. I rushed forward and kneeled next to him. His eyes opened and he whispered out in a strained voice,

"Beaumont." I forced a smile and smoothed some of his hair from his face. My fists clenched in anger for whoever would do this to my friend. Charlie had helped people. Not just me, others as well. He may have been a dealer, but he wasn't a total jack-ass. He would never screw anyone over. He certainly wouldn't ever beat someone else up. So why had someone else fucked him up so bad?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, my hands fluttering over the rest of his body, at a lack of what to do to help.

"Van Winter," he coughed out. I should have known Laurence would have something to do with it. He seemed to be tangled up in everything that was fucked up lately.

"Is it okay if I call an ambulance?" I asked. "I can make sure no cops." Charlie managed a small nod. I called 9-1-1 and requested the much needed ambulance. Then I made Charlie straighten out so I could check his condition. Being the son of a doctor hadn't taught me nothing. Even if Maximus had a more shady side-career, his public one was still legit.

"This may hurt," I warned him. Charlie nodded and I could see him kind of brace himself. I started at his head, feeling various bumps and when my hands came away they were wet and sticky with blood. I cursed under my breath then ran my hands down his neck and to his chest. He winced and I tore his shirt open to reveal various cuts. His ribs were already turning a nasty black-blue color and blood smeared over his rib cage which was somewhat distorted from broken ribs. I winced just by looking.

Before I could get any farther, though, the paramedics were there, lifting him into a stretcher and treating immediate wounds. I gave them my assessment and my friend was carried off into the back of an ambulance. I rode in the front, despite strong protests. I needed to stay with him, and it wasn't as though they were going to deny the boss's son. Kalshan. I needed her now. Calling her crossed my mind, but I knew she wouldn't come.

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