The Bet and the Dare; part 17

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Sorry it's so short. I'm just really tired and ready for bed. Comment of you like or have any questions. Xoxo~Ash



I had to wake up thirty minutes to go through with my plan, but I knew it was going to be so worth it. I left Kari a note in her room telling her I loved her and to have a good day. As I walked down the stairs I checked my bag like four times just to make sure the tape was there. I almost felt bad about doing it to Greyson. I wasn't even positive as to why I was doing this, other than that is was the routine. Shrugging it off I continued to my garage and got into my car and drove to school. No time for coffee.

"Hey girlie," Mariah grinned as I got out. I grinned back.

"Morning. How was your weekend?" her smile turned wicked.

" Pleasurable," she laughed. I rolled my eyes but smiled back. I wished I could say the same thing, but I had a boyfriend and was in a monogamous relationship.

"Good. Hey, think you can get me into the broadcasting room?" I asked her.

"Oh god. What are you doing to that poor boy this time?" she groaned. I just laughed and gave a small shrug.

"You shall see. If you get me into the broadcasting room." Mariah eyed me warily and finally relented with a shrug. I gave a mental cheer and followed her to the photo hall where the broadcasting room was located. As we walked she told me all about her weekend with some random guy from another county who I'd never heard of. Mariah wasn't exactly slutty, but she was exactly a nun either. Get her drunk enough and well...

"If anyone asks, I did not let you in," she said when we got to the room. I gave a cheerful nod and sauntered in. The tape player was sitting on a cart at the far end of the room. I took the tape for the day out and replaced it with the one from my camera from the day before. Lucky for Greyson he didn't have a terrible voice.


Nine at night and I was still getting text messages and IM's from people at school complimenting me on my singing voice. A few girls said they would more than willingly answer their phones for me. I stared moodily at my homework, trying to focus but completely unable to. Just when I was starting to like Kal, she went and did this. Thank you, rude awakening. I couldn't believe I had totally revealed my story to her. Her, of all people. I hadn't told the one girl I'd been in love with about my addiction, but I told her?! I shook my head slightly.

Suddenly there was a pounding at my back door, insistent and loud. With a groan I unfolded myself from the couch and walked to the door where Kalshan was currently banging and yelling.

"Grey, Grey oh my god let me in. Please let me in!" she sobbed. I rushed to the door and threw it open. Kal fell into my arms sobbing. I pulled her away and gave her a small shake.

"Kal, what's going on?"

"He's got a gun," she sobbed. "And he's yelling at April, 'the money, I want the money.' I didn't know what else to do." I grabbed Kal's hand in my own and started up the stairs.

"I know you're scared, but can you describe him for me?" It sounded like a drug dealer and, sadly, I knew most of them in the area. I didn't do drugs anymore, but once in the scene, it was hard to completely get out. If it was a dealer, it was probably someone I could deal with rationally.

"Um, tall. Dark hair. Dark features. I really didn't see a lot." I could tell Kal was working hard at composure, but it really wasn't working. We entered my dad's office. I pulled aside the painting to reveal a safe and typed in the code. Inside were a variety of guns. I grabbed my favorite Browning Hi Power, checked to make sure it was totally loaded, and led Kal downstairs.

"Stay," I commanded and sat her at the breakfast bar in my kitchen. Then I went out the back door and vaulted over the fence into her backyard.

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