Chapter One

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He looked me over brieftly and gave a quick grin. 

"How you been?" He asked me as he took a few steps closer to me closing the distance between us.

"Pretty good, you?" I replied 

"Same old, same old. Blowing up stuff, making fun of your brother, the usual."

I nodded, sighing as two bleach blond bimbos saunteered up to Braxton wrapping their skinny fake tanned arms around him giggling and whispering in his ear and him grinning from ear to ear.

He looked at me, "As much fun as this as been, duty calls."

The blonds on his arm gave me a wicked glance as Braxton turned around and walked off towards the illuminated dance floor.

I watched him disappear into the crowd as a familar voice came up behind me.

"Hey Ash!" I turned around to see Sebastian.

"Hi." I turned around to face him.

"Didnt know Brax was gonna be here tonight", he said.

"Me either."

He was wearing a white v-neck and a pair of dark wash jeans, totally casual but he looked as if he didnt give a care to the clubs "dress code". His black hair was longer than it had been the last time iI saw him, almost long enough to be called messy.

"Brax looks pretty occupied." he said gesturing to the horde of bimbos that were dancing on him.

"Dont even go there." I said grinning as I took Sebastians hand and drug him to the opposite side of the dance floor as far away from Braxton as possible.

We danced for what seemed like hours, enjoying ourselves as much as possible. Sebastian being the absolute best of company.

"Babe i'm go grab us some drinks." He said as he pulled me close and whispered in my ear.

"Thanks." I watched him push through the thick crowd grateful because it felt extremely hot.

A few minuntes later Sebastian was pushing through the crowd, two drinks in his hand as a couple shoved into him and I watched in horror as they splashed onto the back of a freakishly huge man who promptly turned around to face Sebastian.  

He had a few inches on Sebastian and the flashing lights did nothing to hide the anger on his face.

"YOU DO THIS?!" He said loudly to Sebastian.

 I watched Sebastian take a step back as the veins in the mans neck bulged and I quickly stepped forward so i was standing next to him.

"Hey just calm down." I said to the man who eyed me like a piece of meat.

"Do you know how much this cost?!" He said gesturing to his dark black coat that now stunk of alcohal. 

"No sir im not aware, but I am sure we can work this out someway." I said calmly, notcing most of the club was loking at the scene that was begining to unfold.

"Well blondy what are you gonna do about it, looks like your boyfriend here is about to get the shit beat outta him." He said glaring at Sebastian.

"I can guarentee you that will not be nessecary." A new voice added into the heated argument, of course it was Braxton.

"Oh yah pretty boy-" The man pulled back his fist and the next thing I knew Braxton was on the ground.

He jumped to his feet and nailed the guy in the nose, blood spewed and the man wheeled backwards clutching his nose. Braxton was up in front of him and he knocked him square in the jaw and the man fell to the floor with a heavy thud. The crowd parted as a security detail grabbed the man and Braxton and pulled them through the crowd and out the club doors. 

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