Chapter 26

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Pic of ash ------------>

Braxtons POV

I looked at General Payne with a heavy feeling in my heart, but I was sure I was making the right choice.

"Sir, if I may could I stay here a week and a week back in Dallas?"

He raised his eyebrow.

"Fischer now why would you want to do that?"

Unsure of a proper response I headed into it blind.

"Sir in all honesty im lookin out for a friend of mine, and I want to make sure she is okay."

General Payne folded his arms across his chest and inhaled sharply. I looked at the clock behind him and avoided his eyes.

"Does this have anything to do with Daniels sister?"

How did he already know, I thought to myself as he began to speak again.

"Word gets around here fast Fischer, you of all people should know that." He paused and picked up his phone as it rang on his desk.

A few moments later he put the phone down. Clearing his throat he spoke.

"According to the nurses down at the infirmiry a blonde has woken up and shes askin for you."

Before the last words were out of his mouth I was running out of his office.

"By the way Fisch a week and a week works for me!"

His voice carried down the hallway, bursts of late afternoon sunshine greeted me as I opened the door, the only seperating us was a mile of Carolina trees.

Ashs POV

My head ached, it throbbed and every noise was amplified. I tried to touch my head but thick bandages covered the area, my stomach lurched and I was felt sick to my stomach.

Everything was too bright, the sheets looked like fresh snow and its brillant brightness was too much. Dingy flourescent lights gave the sun a run for its money. I shut my eyes and laid my head once again against the pillow, feeling much better.

The door clicked open, I opened my eyes.

Only darkness.

"Ash?" A familar deep, manly voice sounded from somewhere in the darkness.

"Ash its me Braxton." Braxton said, the darkness was overwhelming and disorientating.

Tears fell down my cheeks, it was so much to handle at one time.

"Braxton!" I tried to choke out.

Braxtons POV

I opened the heavy oak door to Ashs room expecting to find her sarcasm, but the Ash laying on the bed was someone very different.

Her blonde curls were limp and sad, her green eyes leaked confusion and tears looked about to fall.

"Ash?" I asked her gently.

"Ash its me Braxton."

Her response was depressing and all I heard was her sobs.

I went over to her and she gave no recognition of seeing me.

"Braxton help me!"

Her voice was scared and nervous.

"Braxton I can't see you! Help me please!"

Ashs POV

I reached out for him and he caught my hands with his, warmth flooded through me as he entagled his hands with mine. I cautiously sat up, his hands as my support. He pulled me onto his lap, he mustve been seated on my bed because my IV's still reached.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, perched in his lap he held me. My head buried in his chest, my head throbbing I cried and cried.

We could have been sitting there for an eternity and he would never stop holding me.

"Ash are you okay?" He whispered into my ear.

The door to my room burst open again and I felt his grip loosen on me.

"Oh my, excuse me?" The intruder muttered.

Braxton chuckled, "Its okay Garett".

He gently laid me back down and I felt him get off the bed.

"Ashley its Dr. Munez I'm pretty sure he's here to tell you what going on". Braxton said, still holding my left hand.

"Ashley can you tell me your name, birthday and current location."

I told him.

"Ok Ashley that was great, now how many fingers am I holding up?" Dr. Munez asked.

I squeezed Braxtons hand, "Sir, I cannot see anything."

"OK Ashley, theres no reason to be alarmed. Head injuries like yours sometimes cause temporary vision issues like in your case".

I replied,"Well Sir if you didn't notice im currently becoming a Marine."

Braxton chuckled.

"Well, Ashley your vision could return tommorow or up to a month from now. Only time will tell."

"Ugh!" I commented to myself.

Dr.Munez fiddled around me for a few seconds then excused himself from the room.

"Umm Braxton what was he doing?"

"Night, night Ash...."

My eyes began to droop and before I was knocked out a light kiss was pressed upon the tip of my noes.

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