Chapter 23

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Hello my dearest reader, its been awhile a very long while since I've updated but here you go.


Ash's POV

Running out the door I heard Braxton chuckle so I stopped and turned back to the doors. Bending over I searched the ground.


Larger pebblish thing.


Good sized rock.

Minature boulder.

I grabbed the rock, yelping automatically because i had grabbed the sharp part and now a thin crimson trail ebbed down my hand from my pointer to my wrist.

"Damn you." I shouted to no one in particular.

No wonder they had the "blood stripe" on our pants, even rocks were hateful to recruits. Kinda like Donovan.....

"Hey blondie whats the rock for?" An annoyingly familar voice commented in my left ear his warm breath tickling my ear and making ever so obvious how close her was to me.

I turned to face him, the pointy rock still clenched in my hand. Sticky, warm blood coated it and I got an idea.

"Oh, what rock?" I asked him innocently, a smirk playing onto my lips as I looked into his baby blues.

His eyebrow raised and he outstreched his hand.

"Whatever you say Fischy"

Jamming the rock down into his hand, I jumped up, spun around and took off towards the shrill sound of Donovans whistle far in the distance.

He swore from here to Friday but no pounding feet followed me as i took off down the path.

Wow, I thought he gives up real easy.

Braxtons POV

That damn bi***!

I watched her take off like a jack rabbit down the path chuckling to herself the entire time. She is quite the strange one.

A wet feeling was stretching across my hand and pain accompined it. A chunk of rock lay in my palm and under flowed the crimson river.

Sighing to myself I headed back into the medic station.

"Ash get ya?"

The voice belonging to the head nurse Haylee said.

"When dosent she get me".

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