Chapter 2

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When I made it home I lay down in the driveway and completed various excercises that I would be required to do at Basic.

Sweaty, tired and exhausted I finished my 50 pushups, and 80 crunches. My hair was sweaty and lank and I felt great. I walked inside my house and my mom was still sleeping in the chair so I grabbed the note that I had wrote her and tossed it in the trash. Quietly I made my way upstairs and into my room.

My sweaty skin was rapidly getting cold and patterned with goosebumps from the chill of air conditioner.

Buddy was laying haphazardly on my bed sprawled out against my navy blue sheets. His head lifted as I walked in and he wagged his golden tail.

"Long time no see Buddy." I absentmindedly said

His whined in response and lead his head back down.

I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and switched off Ed Sheerans Be Like You. My USMC app was still open and I filled in my data, grinning as I realized by results had improved since yesterday. I walked into my bathroom casually glancing in the mirror. No makeup but I still looked more like a model than a future marine but hey we dont get to choose how we look.

I bent down on the cool white tile and pulled out my scale from underneath the tidy bathroom sink. To qualify I had to be at least 125 pounds at 5'8. I stepped on, the cold metal shocking my feet and I jumped slightly. I glanced down at the digital screen.

124 pounds.

I sighed, at least it was only one measly pound. I stepped off and put the scale away. I entered the results into my iPhone and calculated my score.

Total Score 173  

PFT Pass 

PFT Class group 3  

Weigh NO GO

Well that's crap. 

One pound shoul not affect me too much, but being in the last group for PT was not that encouraging.

I turned on the shower, and peeled off my sweaty workout clothes.

The hot water washed over me like a protective covering, soothing my muscle and relaxing me. I shaved and shampooed my hair with my favorite herbal soap. The scent of lemongrass engulfed me and I felt great, the runners high still coursing through my body.

When the water began to run lukewarm then cold I got out and dried myself, I still couldn't get over the fact that that in 2 days I would be shipped off to Paris Island and began training to be one of the few female marines. It was a good and bad feeling but one that I would eventually come to accept.

Pushing Buddy off my bed I crawled under my sheets and set my alarm as I fell into a deep sleep.

4 am.

I slowly began to awake, my eyes were bleary and I was cold. I pulled the thick covers back over me and proceeded to fall back asleep.


I bolted straight up and became suddenly very aware of my surroundings.


Buddy became all excited and he began to paw at my door, his nails sounding very loud.

What the hell?!

"Ash are you awake", a very deep masculine voice said from just outside by bedroom door.


How the hell did this guy know my name, my door opened slowly I reached for my beside lamp flicking in on quickly.

Holy shit!


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