Chapter 31

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Wifi connection is such a great thing! Enjoy, please comment or vote if you have enjoyed :D


Braxtons POV

"Dad's not gonna be back for a few days," Felix said walking towards the white wood front door of the house.

"What's he up to now?" I asked.

Felix talked as he walked across the dirt road, clods of dust kicked up causing Ash to choke.

"Selling some car parts in the Fort Worth areas, he left three days ago."

I sighed, "Typical."

The doors of the house swung open and a white haired, bent lady came rushing out. Billows of smoke chasing her.

"HELP FELIX!!!!" She yelled, screaming loudly.

"Gladys did you catch lunch on fire again?" He asked worridly.

"Yes sir!" Gladys shouted.

She had been our housekeeper for the longest time, living on the property, catching things on fire every once in a while, and keeping Felix busy.

I let go of Ash's hand and ran to the door, smoke choked me, its acrid taste filling my nose and mouth. Going inside I stumbled my way into the kitchen and began throwing open the windows, the smoke crawled out. Flames were climbing out of the oven and I put a mitt on my hand and opened it and thought to myself. Seriously?

A pan of buns sat in the oven with plastic wrap on top. The plastic wrapp had caught on fire and was created a few little flames that were quickly dying out.

As soon as they were out I walked through the house opening all the windows to air it out.

Once I was back outside I gave the old women a look.

"You cant leave plastic in the oven it WILL catch on fire."

"Hey Braxton." Felix said, sounding suprised.


"How come the smoke dectector go off?" He asked confused.

It was Ash's turn to speak.

"Batteries probably died, you didnt hear them chirping?" She said.

Noone spoke.

I added another thing to my mental checklist. Make sure to check the alarms so the house still exsists next time I come back.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead. The hot Texas sun was nothing like the humidity of the Carolinas.

Felix and Gladys disappeared back into the house that was almost clear of smoke.

"Hey B?" Ash said.


"I have to pee."

I chuckled and took her into the house.

Ash's POV

I was sitting at the kitchen table with Felix, sipping iced sweet tea and answering all of his questions.

"What brings you to Pelican Bay?"

"Recovering from my injuries before going back to Basic Training."

"Why do you want to be a Marine?"

"Because im awesome." I said smirking.

He smiled at me.

"Of course you are."

I grinned at him, still unsure of what he looked like because of my injury. Wondering if he looked anyhting like how Braxton looked.

My vision currently was dark with objects in a halo of light, not much detail and I was still pretty blind.

I heard someone enter the kitchen.

"Hey Ash." I heard Braxtons voice drift to my ears.

"Whats up B?'

"You know how to ride?"

"Ride what B?"

He took my hand and led me out of the kitchen and Felix laughed behind us.

"B, your brother asks alot of questions."

"He's just a little curious about the strange, beautiful girl I brought home."

I could feel my self blush. Braxton walked us out into the late afternoon sunshine, that beet down on me making me feel like an egg frying on the sidewalk.

As we walked we didnt say much to each other, but all the same it felt like we hadnt stopped talking. The sweet scent of hay filled my nostrils and I poked Braxtons side.

"B are you takin my horseback riding?" I asked.

"How could you tell?" He said a smirk in his voice.

At the barn our stablehand Ricky had saddled up my horse Jarhead, as I liked to call him. He was a big stallion, white as snow and as gentle as a lamb.

He whinnied and Ash jumped in suprise, I chuckled and led her over to him.

She stroked his forehead with the gentlest touch as I admired her in the afternoon sun. Her blond hair golden and her skin skin the color of milk stirred with honey. The could hav enever been a more beautiful women.

"Ready to go Angel?" I asked her.

"Yup B, I'm always ready." She said, her voice sweet.

I picked up her small frame and set her on the big, black stallion, then hoped up behind her.

'Don't you trust me on my own?"

"Never Angel".

She turned around punched me lightly on the arm, as I gathered up the reins.

"Hold on baby girl." I said wrappping my arms around her waist, holding the reins in one hand.

Jarhead took off out of the barn at a quick pace and Ash squealed in front of me. As he galloped off into the fields beyond the house, Felix waved from the porch and Gladtys whistled.

Our pace slowed as we neared the lake a litle while later, the lake glistened with the setting sun as I got off and got  Ash down as well. We walked hand in hand down to the lake and sat on the dock with our feet in the cool water.

"I may not be able to see what it looks like B, but I know its beautiful."

I didnt say anything, not because I didnt have anything to say but because she said it all.

When I got her up to leave, I realized it was time.

I looked at her face,  I looked into her green green eyes then I kissed her.

Ash's POV

It went from nothing to everything, I couldnt see what was going on. But then he kissed me.

The feeling was unlike any other, his warm hands entangled themelves in my hair and I wrapped my arms around his neck unsure of what to do. When he pulled away I felt his gaze on my face.

I blushed.

"You know Ashley your cute when you blush."


That akward moment when you cant figure out how to write a a kissing scene...... If you've got advice please comment it. It would be greatly apreciated. Hope you enjoyed.


Crushing hard in Marine Bootcamp and Operation Semper FiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum