Chapter Eight

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Ashley's POV

I stepped outside the confines of the door littered with blood. Screams erupted all around me as I ran to take cover behind a vacant humvee, looking around I saw US forces being battered by Afghan insurgents attempting to take the small base. Their must have been 50 Afghans and their rudimentary but deadly weapons, bodies littered the airfield. Some had been shot but most had been blown up by grenades or killed by an RPG strike. It was impossible to distinguish who was on what side. 

The Humvee provided some cover against advancing Afghan insurgents and I rapidly popped off a few rounds in the direction of the threat. I noticed my CO and a few other guys crouched behind another Humvee about 50 meters away. He looked in my direction and made an effort to wave me over with a grave look on his stern face.

Confused I just stared back at him, the 50 meters between his Humvee and mine was under attack by the insurgents. It wasn't exactly safe. 

"Daniels lets go!!!" he shouted loudly at me as he pointed directly in front of my Humvee.

I peered around the front end of the vehicle to see an RPG aimed straight at my position and I immediately stood up preparing to run. It would be suicide to stay but still extremely risky to cross to his position. The wind picked up suddenly and began to swirl in the air high enough to cover me if I decided to run. Not a millisecond later I grabbed my weapon and started running. 

Pops of gunfire who see by me as I forced my legs to go even faster. I could see my CO and the others providing me some cover fire but it wasn't enough.

The first shot bit me sharply in my right side, the second chewed into my right shoulder and the third assaulted my rib cage. 

"DANIELS KEEP GOING!!" They all shouted at me, I wasn't far just a few more steps. 

One of the guys met me and I immediately began to stumble. Looking down all I could see was thick rivulets of blood pulsating down my side. My vision began to waver and suddenly it was gone, hands put pressure on my wounds.

"Right abdomen no exit wound"

Rough hands patted me down.

"Right chest no exit wound".

The hands moved to my shoulder, feeling roughly around

"Right shoulder clean exit wound".

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was the CO calling in over the radio.

Braxton's POV 

Our mission to clear the Taliban out of the Kajahi village had been successful, none of the guys were injured and control was satisfied with the results. We had gone back to the base shorty after and been debriefed by the bases CO. The 82nd guys were due to leave in 15 minutes to clear out a Taliban stronghold.

We were all crowded around the chow table sharing stories from the days mission when the CO walked in.

He waved me over, "Fischer a word please" 

"Of course sir", I replied.

His expression was serious.

"The US forces in Kandahar Province have been attacked..........." 

I could feel the blood drain from my face as he explained the situation, Ashley had been shot, injured, maybe killed.

"I wish I had more to tell you Fischer but that's all I know and the reports from the area are still sketchy. From what I've heard I think she's been taken to the US hospital in the area but I'm not sure". His tone sympathetic as he placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"I need to be there sir". I said as he already began shaking his head.

"There's no way to get you there, the Chinooks are going with the 82nd and going by Humvee is too dangerous. We'll see what we can do for you in the morning. I'm sorry." 

I felt ready to punch someone or something, the guys at the table had all fallen quit as the guys looked upon me with sympathy. 

I needed to get to her.

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