Chapter 17

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Alex heard the sound of the chopper taking off. For some reason, they wouldn't let him accompany them to rescue Ben. K-unit and two other units were going. Alex was determined to help. He still didn't know why they won't let him go with them though. There had to be a good reason. Orders from Blunt, perhaps? It was a possibility, but why? It wouldn't be the first time he would go on a rescue mission. He was still slightly injured from when he went to search for the location of the building in which Ben was, but Blunt has never really cared about his state, unless it was really, really serious...
After pondering over the question of why they wouldn't let him accompany them for some moments, Alex finally stopped thinking about it, and decided he would better get out of there and make a plan to go to the place where Ben was captive.
Getting out would be easy. Bear and Tiger, the two guys from L-unit who were there to make sure he didn't go find his guardian would be easy take out. They were with him inside their cabin, conversing with him, though Alex wasn't really paying attention. He had fought plenty of grown men who were more trained than those two before. Sure, his size and weight were disadvantages, but he always managed to win using his speed, agility and experience.
The problem was transport. After getting out, he'd have to find a way to travel. His destination was not that far. Kind of careless of SCORPIA, but sometimes, being closer brought less suspicions. Alex had never paid any attention to that seemingly abandoned building, that he had recently learned was one of his worst enemies' (if not the worst) places. Maybe he could sneak in a helicopter and take off? But he needed weapons first. He had only one gun with little ammunition on him. He couldn't go into an enemy territory with only that. He would be dead before he even entered the building. So he would have to sneak past trained soldiers (easy task) and retrieve his other weapons in K-unit's cabin.
Okay, first things first.

"... had to be–"
"Hey, guys," Alex interrupted Bear. "Sorry," Alex said and the confusion on the two men's faces changed to startled ones as Alex leaped into action. He rose from his sitting position on the bed, took Tiger's arm before any of them could react and twisted it behind the man's back, not enough to cause the man pain though. He kicked Bear when the man stood up, giving him time to press a pressure point on Tiger's neck, effectively knocking the man out. Alex quickly turned to Bear. He sidestepped to avoid his punch and sent one of his own. Bear staggered back and Alex took the opportunity to kick the man in the shin. Bear dropped to one knee and Alex didn't waste time in knocking him out the same way he did for Tiger.
Alex opened the wooden door of the cabin only a little bit and sneaked a glance outside. A couple of soldiers Alex recognised as C-unit were walking in the direction of the cabin. Alex waited till they passed by before getting out and closing the door behind him.
On his way to his cabin, it was way really easy to hide from the soldiers. The latters were not trained to be observant and well... they were really unobservant.

Alex went in the cabin, sheathed knives and hid guns into his clothes. He left the cabin, and decided on going with his plan of taking a helicopter itself. There weren't many other options anyway. Alex was not very far from where the helicopters were when he heard the noises of the students talking among themselves. He inwardly groaned. With all that was going on (Having Blackhawk after him and his partner, who was SCORPIA's captive and all that), Alex had completely forgotten about his classmates.
He continued walking and when he approached, he took a look at them, Alex saw how tired they looked. With the backpacks on their backs, Alex would guess they were hiking. He saw Tom talking with James and other boys. No soldier was with them. Alex didn't have to make sure they didn't see him as they didn't know about the fact that he (as in Cub) shouldn't leave. Even in plain sight, nobody, save for a few noticed him. Alex caught Tom's glance. He offered him a small grin before continuing his way.
Over the chatters of the class, Alex heard a familiar noise. The noise of a chopper. But it couldn't be them, right? They wouldn't have taken so little time...? Or he hadn't taken so much time. Looking up, Alex was proved wrong. There it was, the same chopper that had taken off what seemed like not so long ago. Alex went in the shadows of a tree and waited till the chopper landed. The door slid open and M-unit, followed by J-unit came out. Then came K-unit. Wolf and Shark were supporting Ben who looked like he was tortured (no surprise there). His classmates slowly quieted down and stopped walking when they saw the guys.

But what Alex had not expected was for another man to leave the chopper and what Tom and the others had not expected was to see someone they all recognised leave the copper.

Someone who was said and believed to be dead for three whole years.

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