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ISFP edition

Some Words of an ISFP

-"We try to accept and support other people, and we will typically look for ways to be accommodating and open minded to others opinions"

-"Deciding right from wrong comes in form of a gut feeling... we just know it's right, using our intuition"

-"How do they get trains back on the tracks when they fall off? :o Or how do they replace an old model with a new one?"

-"My Easter Bucket is still full of chocolates... should I eat it or not? I already had a whole bar of dark chocolate!   Must resist."

-"I'm feeling especially sensitive right now. A jerky INTP was mean to me >:("

Random Facts/Observations

-"Among the types they are the most likely to report heart disease and hypertension"

-"In college, likely to report low levels of assertiveness"

-"In essays, projected themselves the fewest number of years into the future of all the types"

-"Among the types least likely to stay in college"

-"Most likely of all types to report stress associated with finances and children"

-"In a national sample, likely to value a work environment that provides security, clear and simple instructions, and no expectation of extra work hours"

-"Commonly found in occupations in health care, business, and law enforcement"

-"Despite their deeply held views and beliefs ISFPs are the type who has least need to influence or impose their views on others."

-"Not only are they deep, and have little need to articulate their values, but their whole philosophy is "live and let live".  This ability to co-exist with people, together with their patience and desire for harmony, makes them naturally good at working with children and those with special needs. They are also the type of people who often form special relationships with animals."

ISFP Struggles

-"Drawing may be more interesting and inviting than taking notes during a class."

-"Too focused on the details. This may cause being in a loud room to be impossible as they try to break down all the sounds. This may cause them to miss the big picture or see how things are adding up."

-"Under great stress, may feel out of control and fearful, dwelling on the "dark side" of things. This can cause an ISFP to make incredibly irrational decisions like an impulsive house buy, a sudden girlfriend, or too much interest in alcohol."

-"Nearly all of the problematic characteristics described above can be attributed in various degrees to the common ISFP problem of only taking in data that justifies their personal opinions. Look around this block of gaining information, even if it doesn't have an immediate reward for you."

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