Chapter Twenty

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Faye grabbed my arm in her panic. I pulled her closer in comfort, but I wasn't sure whether it was her comfort or mine.

Anxiety choked me, and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't believe that it was happening again -- and this time I didn't know the castle well enough to be able to escape.

I caught the sight of Merlin out of the corner of my eye, and relaxed a little bit. He had magic, and he could surely protect us, couldn't he?

I focused back on the table and my eyes met Arthur's blue ones. I immediately felt at ease. He looked concerned for me, and a happy buzz filled my body. I wanted nothing more than to go to him in that moment, but Faye's hold on my arm stopped me.

I felt like he was the only one capable of comforting me in that moment, though.

I shook my head and turned my attention back to the conversation at the head of the table. Merlin moved forward until he was right beside me.

"Who are they?" Uther asked the knight, his face pale.

"We--We aren't sure, sire." The knight stuttered in return. He seemed young for a knight, as if he was just initiated.

"Do you know anything?!" Uther boomed, his voice echoing in the room.

"The seem to be only a big band of bandits. They want nothing more than to take our resources and leave." The knight said, "They are not interested in the crown."

I relaxed a little bit, my eyes meeting Arthur's again across the table. He seemed just as relieved as the rest of us, but I could see his mind working as opposed to the rest of us who were just in shock.

"Go round up the other knights." He ordered, his voice firm, but gentle so he wouldn't scare the poor boy, "Send most of them to deal with the bandits, while the rest stays here and protects the residents of this castle."

I tugged on Faye's arm, pulling her to her feet, but, thankfully, nobody turned to look at us.

"I will be meeting the Knights in town as soon as I am ready." Arthur announced.

The young knight bowed and raced away, eager to please the prince. I tugged Faye closer and started moving towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Uther demanded after me, his voice booming.

"I'm taking Faye to a safe location." I told him. I made sure he knew I wasn't afraid of him and he seemed taken aback at my boldness.

"There is no place safer than with me." Uther announced, "A knight will be with me full time, and surely the princess will feel more comfortable knowing there was someone capable to protect her."

"Forgive me for my insolence, sire, but were you there when Deira was attacked?" I demanded.

He didn't answer, but he pressed his lips together tightly. Merlin was warning me with his eyes, but I ignored him. Arthur was watching me with an unreadable expression.

"I'll assume that you mean to say, 'No.'" I said,"Because you have no idea what we have gone through or how we will react in a very similar situation. I am the best person to be with the princess, because I understand."

The room was completely silent. They watched us with eager glances, as if this was the best for of entertainment they had gotten in awhile. As if there wasn't currently battles raging in the town.

Uther looked completely stupefied, and I could tell he wasn't exactly happy with being undermined. I lifted my chin, looking him in the eye.

While I seemed to be infatuated with his son, I held no respect for the King.

I blushed with that thought, but refused to look away. I was not infatuated.

"Now," I said when Uther didn't say anything for awhile, "I'm going to take the princess someplace where I know she will be safe."

I whirled around, my hand grasping Faye's tightly. We had just reached the door, when Uther seemed to find his voice.

"I can have you executed if you walk out that door right now." He called after me.

I stiffened and I could smother the jolt of fear that passed through me. Many people gasped at his threat, as if they couldn't believe their king had just announced that.

I looked over my shoulder back at the table. Arthur was watching everything unfold, but he didn't say anything. Somehow that disappointed me, but I understood why he stayed silent.

Merlin, on the other hand, looked completely shocked, and maybe even a little bit angry on my sake. He moved to step forward, but I caught his eye and shook my head. He didn't seem happy, but he didn't move.

"Dawn, maybe it would be best if I stayed wit--"

I interrupted Faye before she could even finish her sentence, "Don't even think about that. I don't trust them, yet. There are very few people I trust in this damned city, and none of them include this prejudiced king."

It was quiet enough nobody could hear, but Faye looked around anyway as if I'd be killed if anyone overheard.

Who knows? I probably would be.

I turned back around, toward the doors.

"Execution." Uther reminded me, "Would you really risk it?"

I paused, but this time, I didn't even turn around when I said, "Yes."

Without another word or second wasted, I dragged Faye out of the room and forced her to keep up with me as I hurried down the hall. My rage was boiling in my blood, and I could feel my faced was flushed.

Faye's heels clicked against the marble floor, and it seemed unnaturally loud, but we couldn't stop for her to take them off. She clenched my hand tightly in hers, her knuckles turning white.

She was terrified, and I felt a pang of guilt shoot through me. I shouldn't be challenging kings, when my first responsibility was to her.

"Dawn?" She asked, her voice meek, "Where are we going? I mean, you have a plan right? You always have a plan."

I didn't know what to tell her. I didn't have a plan. I didn't know where I could take her that would be safer than with the King himself, but my pride had gotten in the way. I cursed myself silently.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see she was still scared out of her wits, so I did the one thing I could do: I lied.

"Of course I have a plan."

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now