Chapter Thirty-four

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I woke up, drowsy from lack of sleep. I had finally reached Camelot late last night, when the moon was high in the sky and the bars were finally having last call.

Luckily, I managed to find an inn to stay until the morning. I had sent a messenger to the castle, informing Merlin of my return. Then I ate a meal and sunk into bed, exhaustion taking me over.

Now that it was morning, I wished I had went to bed immediately instead of staying up.

I stood up, stretching my arms up in the air and letting out a yawn. I looked back at the bed, debating return to sleep, but eventually forced myself to get dressed. I gathered my belongings and hurried down stairs.

It was earlier than when most people woke up, so it was quiet as I made my way through the inn. I left a small stack of coins on the counter, before hurrying out the door.

I found Abatos tethered to the tree just where I left him. I quickly saddled him up, reminding him that he would be able to rest as soon as we reached the castle.

I swung myself up on his back, being careful not to tangle my skirts. Before long, I was making my way up the road that lead to the castle.

Merlin met me at the wall.

As soon as he saw me, he grinned widely, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well, look what we have here." He teased as I slid off my horse. "You--"

I threw myself at him before he could finish. He caught me in a hug, laughing and twirling me around. I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck. Finally, he set me down.

"I've missed you!" I exclaimed, pulling away to look at him. "And you seem taller!"

He blushed, looking down awkwardly, and said, "You sound like my mother."

"Well, I have spent the last two months with her." I pointed out, smirking.

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into another hug. I pulled away and moved back to grab Abatos' reins. I started walking towards the stables and Merlin moved to walk next to me.

I looked up at the castle while we walked. It amazed me how familiar and comfortable it felt. I had missed walking around without it looming over my shoulder.

"How is my mother?" Merlin asked when we reached the stables.

"She's great! I actually have a letter to you from her." I said, digging through my saddle bag for the piece of parchment. I pulled it out and handed it to him.

I took care of Abatos while Merlin read, getting him comfortable in his old stall. Abatos seemed to be a lot more comfortable after the long journey without some place warm to settle down in.

It was hard to imagine that the last time I had been in these stables, I had gotten my heartbroken, as well as hurt the man I love.

"Thank you." Merlin finally said, "She mentioned how helpful you have been around the house."

"It was the least I could do." I replied, stepping out of the stall.

I tossed my saddle bags over my shoulder, and we started walking towards the castle. He led me through the kitchens, and I got the chance to say hello to all of the people I had worked with.

"I already informed Gwen of your return." Merlin informed me, "She will be happy to let you take over again starting tomorrow. Apparently, Fayelinn is a little bit difficult to work with."

I laughed and said, "She can be hard to love, I admit."

Merlin started leading me to Faye's room, but I stopped him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I think it's time I have my own room." I told him, hoisting the bags farther up my shoulder. Merlin saw me struggling and quickly took one of them. I shot him a grateful smile.

He looked like he wanted to question my choice, but instead he silently led me to a small room next to the armory. It was close to Faye's room and I couldn't help but be thankful for that.

I sighed, tossing my bags in the corner as Merlin sat on the bed. I pulled out a clean dress and moved behind the divider in order to change.

"How are you and Gaius?" I asked, tossing the dirty dress over the top of the divider.

"Gaius is great. He actually found a new way to mix the common herbs that acts as a sleeping drought. This one is much easier to make." He said.

"And you?" I asked.

"I'm alright. It's been a hard couple of months."

He didn't bother elaborating. I pulled the new dress over my head and expertly tightened the stays.

"How is Faye doing?" I asked, a little more hesitantly, "I knew she wasn't happy to hear of me leaving."

"She's been a living hell." He told me bluntly. I couldn't help but laugh, as I pulled the shift over my head. "I never realized how good you were for her until you left. However, when I told her of your return, she gave me the biggest smile, it almost made up for the hell she put us through."

I moved out from behind the divider. Merlin stood up, smiling when he saw me wearing the scarlet and gold of the Pendragon family over my white dress.

"It's good to have you back, Dawn." He said, his grin growing.

"It's good to be back."

"Ready to see the princess?"

I nodded. Merlin smiled and led me out of the room. We both walked down the hallway together. We were quiet, just kind of relaxing in each other's presence.

Finally we reached Faye's door. I could hear her giggling inside along with Gwen. I was happy to hear that she hadn't had the worse time while I was away. I have to admit though, I was a little jealous. I used to be the only one who could have made her sincerely laugh.

I paused, staring at the wood of the door.

"What's wrong?" Merlin asked, leading against the wall to my left.

"What haven't you been telling me?" I asked, turning just my head to look at him.

He sighed, looking down to the floor, "You're more observant than I gave you credit for."

"Well?" I asked, "What is it?"

He paused as if he didn't want to tell me, but he eventually said, "Uther has died. Arthur is now king of Camelot."

It pained me to think about how much pressure and grief Arthur must be feeling, but I knew this wasn't what he was so reluctant to tell me. I gave him a pointed look, urging him to continue. He sighed, closing his eyes.

"The date of the wedding has been set. Arthur and Fayelinn are getting married in a week's time."

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