Chapter Twenty-two

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I took one look around the room once Arthur had lit a torch and knew immediately that I wasn't supposed to be in here.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It's one of the royal rooms for attacks. This room is one of the safest places in the castle. It's where the queen and children go when there is an attack. It's not usually used, because even when there was a Queen and children to put in it, they were often too stubborn to just hide away." He explained, moving around the room to light the other torches, until the room was lit, "I guess it will be used by Faye when she and I..."

Neither of us finished the sentence, and I turned my back to him in an attempt to get my emotions in control. It was a tense silence, filled with hundreds of unspoken words.

"Shouldn't we be out there fighting alongside you're knights?" I finally asked, unable to stand the silence any longer.

"I will join them as soon as I know you are safe."

I nodded, distracted, but as soon as his words registered in my head, I whirled around to face him.

"You are not leaving me in here!" I exclaimed.

"And why not?"

"Well, first of all, I think we are both aware that I am not supposed to be here." I told him through clenched teeth.

He rolled his eyes, but didn't deny it. We both knew I was right, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"You're not coming." He told me, raising an eyebrow.

"Why not?" I demanded, propping my hands on my hips. Arthur's eyes followed my hands down to my waist and lingered there. I shivered as he took a slow step forward.

"Your leg..." He murmured, looking up into my eyes.

"It's healed perfectly." I told him, my voice hoarse as my eyes flickered down to his lips.

He continued to take slow steps toward me, and my breath caught in my throat. He looked absolutely handsome in his chain mail and cape. Soon we were so close, our chests brushed whenever we took a breath.

"You aren't properly trained." He argued, ducking his head down to look into my eyes.

I never realized how tall he was compared to me.

"I don't need to fight in order to be useful. I know basic healing methods." I retorted.

"We have a court physician for that reason."

"Gaius will need some help."

"He has Merlin."

"You never let Merlin have enough time to help him." I pointed out.

Our arguments became weaker until we were barely whispering them. Finally, we both fell silent, just standing and watching one another.

In a bold move, Arthur reached out and hooked his hands around my waist, pulling me flush against his body. I opened my mouth in a silent gasp and I could feel a blush rising up my neck. I hesitantly reached out and fisted some loose pieces of chain mail in my hands.

This close, I could tell how good he smelled. Like faint sweat, metal, and sandalwood. I breathed him in, falling deeper and deeper under his spell.

"Arthur..." I whispered, leaning into him.

I could feel the heat of him through my dress and my heart fluttered. My blood sang through my body, and I wanted nothing more than to run my hands through his hair.

I never wanted to leave his side.

Before I could think of anything else, Arthur was leaning forward, his lips barely an inch away from mine.

Fayelinn. He's engaged to Fayelinn.

I jolted away before our lips could touch. I gasped, ripping myself out of his arms and turning away. The trance that had entrapped the both of us shattered.

I had just almost kissed the crown prince, blatantly ignoring the fact that he was my best friend's betrothed.

"I need to go fight." He announced, his voice breaking slightly.

I nodded, refusing to look at him, and too distracted to insist on coming with him to the battle. He paused at the door, but seemed to decide against saying anything, before he turned and left the room.

I turned towards the door as if to go after him, but stopped myself. I dropped to the ground, my dress billowing out around my legs. I pressed my hand against my chest, willing my pounding heart to settle.

And there was one thought that echoed throughout my head and sang through my whole body.

I liked Arthur.

I fancied the crown prince.

I was falling for Faye's fiancé.

I leaned down, pressing my forehead against the cool floor, completely in shock. I was in a daze, my mind still replaying the almost kiss over and over in my mind. I felt like I could still smell his tantalizing scent.

I groaned, hating my emotions. I couldn't pinpoint exactly when I started to feel this way towards Arthur. I mean, the first real conversation we had was him insulting me and what I stood for. It was ridiculous that I would like a man such as him.

He's arrogant, conceited, and had a hero complex the size of Camelot. But, at the same time, he was also the man who was so worried over my injured leg, and the same man who gave us refuge when we needed it most.

I groaned again, straightening. I started to fix my hair, knowing I would need to get out of this room, before I was suspected of treason or some other heinous crime.

I thought of Merlin in that moment, oddly enough. He probably had a spell that would tidy my appearance almost immediately. I giggled into the empty room.

I started muttering under my breath, pretending to be Merlin with his weird, unintelligible magic.

I'm not sure what had gotten into me, but for some odd reason, this amused me, so I started talking louder.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and there was a group of knights standing in the doorway.

I froze, my voice coming to a halt, sending the room into silence. Everyone was still for a second, but then chaos errupted.

I was soon surrounded by knights, two of them restraining me, while the others pointed their swords at my chest.

"Stop!" I cried, falling limp in shock, "What are you doing?!"

"Quiet, sorceress!" One of the Knights barked.

I froze. They thought I had been actually casting a spell when I had been joking around. And I knew I wouldn't be able to tell the truth without revealing Merlin's powers. My mind raced.

"We're taking you before the king!"

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ