Chapter Fifty-three

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"The next Queen of Camelot really shouldn't be seen at a pub, my lady."

"I may be the next Queen, and I may be a lady, but I am sure as hell still Dawn, and I'll be damned if I still can't go to the local pub, Leon." I exclaimed, raising my glass of ale triumphantly.

A loud hurrah went up at the sound of my words and people started laughing. They were unsure of how to act around me, but I wanted to let them know that I hadn't changed that much. The only difference was that I was now going to be ruling Camelot.

"Does Arthur know you're here?" Gwaine called over to me, his glass raised.

"Does Fayelinn know you're here?" I countered narrowing my eyes.

He blushed, looking away from me. I laughed and the other men pounded him on his back, shoving him around. I swung around to meet the disapproving gaze of Leon.

"Oh come on, Leon!" I groaned, "You never had a problem with me being here before!"

"You weren't Queen before!"

"Ahh, but there's where you're wrong!" I exclaimed, pushing my pointer finger into his chest. I leaned forward as if I had a huge secret to tell him, "I'm not Queen now, either."

I leaned back, laughing at his expression. He sighed, saying, "You're drunk."

"I am only tipsy!" I retorted.

He rolled his eyes, but couldn't help the smile that broke over his face. I returned the gesture, shoving him slightly. I stood up suddenly, raising my glass. I didn't even have to say anything for the others to cheer and raise their's as well.

"A toast!" I announced, "To being tipsy!"

"Tipsy!" The crowd echoed back.

"Here's to those who are absolutely tipsy and have chores in the morning!" I shouted, waving my free hand up in the air.

"To chores!"

"And here's to those who are tipsy and have to put on a crown in the morning!" I called out again.

The crowd laughed, knowing I only meant myself. They echoed, "To crowns!"

"Here's to chores and crowns and being absolutely wasted!" I shouted one last time, falling backwards.

Leon caught me, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"I think that's enough toasting for one night." He said, settling me down in a chair, "And probably enough drinks. I'll go get you a water and then we can play cards."

"Why?" I asked, giggling, "So I can take more of your money?"

Gwaine laughed loudly, coming up from behind us, and clapping Leon on the shoulder. Leon shoved hum away playfully and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Do not make me get your husband." Leon threatened me, his eyes sparkling with mirth. No matter what, I knew he wouldn't do such a thing.

Either way, I pouted playfully at him, sticking out my lower lip and making my eyes wide. Gwaine laughed again and I saw Leon chuckling as he disappeared to get me a glass of water.

Gwaine sat down at the table next to me, a smile on his face. He leaned towards me, kissing the side of my cheek. I gasped, pretending to be shocked.

"I have a husband, sir!" I exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes, shoving me playfully. I giggled and reached for my ale, but Gwaine slid it away from me before I could grab it. I frowned up at him.

"You heard Leon!" He exclaimed, "No more ale. You have to be presented as Queen in the morning, and I doubt it will go down well if you show up hungover."

I sighed, knowing he was right. That didn't mean I had to like it, though. I stopped trying to reach for the drink and relaxed back into my chair. I rested my hands on my stomach, comfortable.

"Speaking of which, how are you feeling about it?" Gwaine asked, "About becoming Queen, I mean."

I sighed. Leon came back to the table and handed me a glass of water, which I quickly chugged down. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until that moment.

"Do not remind me." I groaned in response to Gwaine's question, "I am in--"

I trailed off, my jaw dropping as I noticed Fayelinn peeking her head into the doorway of the tavern. Gwaine turned to look at what I was staring at and his jaw dropped as well.

Fayelinn caught sight of us and hurried over, her face showing her hesitation. When she arrived at the table, she took one look at Gwaine and slapped him upside the head.

"You told me you were on patrol!" She snarled, hitting him again.

I stepped up, wobbling slightly. I moved in between them, causing her to turn her attention on me. She took in my drunk state and frowned, disapproval in her eyes.

"You shouldn't be in a place such as this, my lady." I told her, my brow scrunch in together. "This is not a scene for you."

"You are a lady too!" She protested, indignant.

"You are pregnant!" I countered, propping my hands on my hips.

"And you will be our Queen come tomorrow morning." She said as she mimicked my stance.

I glared at her and she returned the gesture, her eyebrow raising. Gwaine looked nervously in between the two of us, but didn't intervene. He knew that if he tried to get in between the two of us, Faye would focus all of her wrath on him again.

We glared at each other for another minute, before suddenly breaking out into smiles. I reached out and pulled her into a hug, doing my best to not bump her baby belly. Gwaine watched us, a look of bewilderment on his face. Neither one of us bothered to explain to him.

"I just want to spend one more day with my best friend before she becomes Queen and has no more time for me." Faye said, sighing deeply.

I pulled away from her, softening a little bit. I grabbed her hands.

"I will always have time for you."

She smiled at me and, finally, for the first time since I met her, we felt like friends.

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now