Chapter Thirty-eight

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The birds were singing when I woke up, and the sun was streaming through the window. The glass caused tiny rainbows to dance across the room whenever the sun hit it just right.

He is getting married today.

I sighed at the thought, wanting to go back to sleep. Faye had given me the morning to sleep in, but it was still way earlier than when anyone else would wake up.

I sat upright, yawning. I made my way towards the window, feeling the peaceful tone that seemed to spread across the land at the thought of a wedding.

I hated it.

I quickly got dressed. Dawn had wanted me to dress up for her wedding, so instead of my usual work shift, I was in an emerald green dress made of the finest velvet Camelot had to offer. It was a very generous gift, but Faye assured me that it would make up for leaving her for two months.

I grimaced at the corset-like bodice, but ignored it as I hurried out the door and to Faye's room, stopping by the kitchens first to nara a tub full of steaming water. I walked into her room without knocking, expecting to see her rushing around frantically.

Instead she was still asleep in her bed.

I sighed, propping my hands on my hips. I didn't hesitate before I reached back with my foot and kicked the door shut. The loud slam had Faye jolting awake.

"Well, good morning, Princess." I said cheerfully, "Hope I didn't wake you."

She glared at me, her hair hanging in her eyes. I drug the tub of water behind the divider and slowly led her to it. She protested weakly, but was honestly too tired to do much more than that.

As soon as she was in the tub, she was asleep again, her head propped above the water level with a wet towel.

I shook my head and bustled around the room, getting work done. Once the room was visibly clean and the bed was made, I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out the beautiful white dress that had been made for her.

I hung it up on the divider, but when I turned back to close the wardrobe doors, I saw a simple golden dress handing in the back.

It was much less glamorous than the white one, but it had a simple elegance that couldn't be recreated. It was the dress of a bride in Deira.

I shut the door of the dresser, frowning slightly. What was the point of having a golden wedding dress made if she had already decided on the white one?

I shook the thought away and moved to pull out the rest of the accessories Faye had decided on for the wedding. When everything was ready, I moved back around the divider to wake her up.

However, Faye was completely awake, staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression.

"Fayelinn?" I called over to her, my confusion clear in my voice.

She immediately snapped out of her daze and turned to look at me with a huge smile on her face. I shook off my unease and helped her out of the tub, handing her a towel.

"I can't believe I am going to be Arthur's wife in a couple of hours." She sighed, in a wistful way. "And Queen in a few more days! My, everything is changing for the better, isn't it, Dawn?"

I turned away to prepare the first layer of her dress. I couldn't let her see my expression in case she realized I was lying when I said, "Of course, Princess!"

The next few hours passed in a whirlwind. Getting Faye into the intricate dress proved more difficult with each passing minute, and soon noble women came by, which only served as a distraction.

Eventually, however, Faye was all ready to go and I sent her out the door with a smile. The noble women quickly followed her down the hall, eager to help the bride in any way they could.

I closed the door quietly behind me and made my way to the Great Hall. While I had been busy preparing Faye, many of the other servents had been preparing the hall for the wedding.

The wedding would take place in the throne room and it would be a long ceremony. Then, all the guests would migrate to the Great Hall for a feast and celebration. The feast would go on all night long, with music, dancing, and a professional jester as entertainment.

Then, in two days time, Faye's coronation would take place, officially stating her as Queen of Camelot. The next day would start a week long jousting tournament in the new Queen's honor.

This was how all royal weddings went in Camelot.

The Great hall was beautifully designed. Wreaths of multicolored flowers hung from the ceiling, and a small band of entertainers were setting up in the corner. Tables were laden with silver plates and goblets, the centerpieces beautifully arranged.

It was perfect.

I hated it all.

I felt tears well up in my eyes at the the thought of serving at this wedding, no matter how beautiful. Faye would be gorgeous and Arthur would be as handsome as ever.

The picture perfect couple.

I swore to myself I would be happy for her. She deserves this.

The tears spilled over on my cheeks and as people began to disappear to the throne room, I knew the ceremony was about to begin.

And I knew, just like that, that I wouldn't be able to watch them do this.

I wiped my face and raced out of the room, heading for the one place I might have been able to find comfort: the top of the wall where I had spent the evening with Arthur.

When I reached the top, I couldn't help but relax, feeling the wind on my face. It was quiet and I could almost forget about everything that had been going on.

On top of that wall, I could sob freely and no one would be there to judge me. Hours past and I grew tired. I wasn't crying anymore and I had come to accept what had happened.

He was married, now.

We had a new Queen.

I sighed, climbing to my feet and looking over the lower town. Everything was quiet, save for the birds singing. I began to mentally prepare myself to face them.


I froze at the sound of his voice. He couldn't be up here. Not now and not with me. I slowly turned around as he called my name again.


I looked up and met his piercing blue eyes.

Those blue eyes that I loved.


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