Chapter Thirty-seven

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"Let's have another round!" Percival exclaimed, throwing his fist into the air, "In celebration of Dawn's return!"

"Don't use my arrival as an excuse to get drunk, you pig!" I called up to him, laughing, "I got back a week ago!"

"Then let this be a last hurrah before the wedding tomorrow!" Percival shouted, waving his fist around again.

I rolled my eyes realizing that no matter what I said, he would find a reason to have another round. The wedding was tomorrow and Arthur had given all servernts and most of the Knights the night off. He had expected us to sleep before all the work we would be expected to do tomorrow, but we all immediately headed for the nearest pub.

The music was loud and fast paced, and couples danced around the room in glee. Food was passed around and someone had paid off everyone's tab, so the drinks were flowing. The wedding feast that would take place tomorrow would put this little celebration to shame, but it was the only one us servents would get.

Tomorrow we would be expected to work.

I was sitting on top of the bar, my skirts hanging over my feet. I clapped along to the music, watching everyone dance. Leon noticed me sitting there all alone and hurried over.

He held out his hand and said, "May I have this dance?"

I laughed, grabbing his hand. He lifted me off the counter and led me to where the tables had been pushed aside to make space for everyone.

He placed one hand on my waist, making sure not to go anywhere near my bum. He was so chivalrous, it was humorous sometimes.

I placed one hand on his shoulder and grasped his free hand with my other on. We immediately began dancing around, circling the room. I couldn't help but laugh as he spun me around. The song changed and I was passed to another partner, the crazy whirlwind of music continuing.

While dancing, I could almost forget that the man I love was getting married tomorrow.

After a couple more songs, I backed away from the space, moving to join a card game the Knights had started up in a corner in the back of the bar.

I sat down next to Gwaine, and Eloyn dealt me a hand. A couple minutes later and every single knight around the table had become frustrated.

"There is no way you are this good at cards!" Eloyn exclaimed, throwing his hands down on the table, "You are a royal handmaid, for goodness sake!"

"A royal handmaid who's previous job was a barmaid!" I laughed, pulling my winnings towards me.

"I'm out of coins!" Gwaine protested, "And I don't have enough to pay you it all right now!"

"Don't worry." I told him, winking, "You'll just owe me."

He narrowed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He sighed and said, "I think I'm done playing cards for the rest of the night."

The rest of the Knights echoed him and I pouted at them. Gwaine laughed at me and nudged me with his shoulder. I broke my pout and giggled, poking him in the side.

We put away the cards and relaxed. The music changed to a slower pace and flowed in the background as people began to wind down. Conversation filled the room and, those who didn't have to work in the morning, drank their fill.

Eventually, as more servents from the castle gathered around our table, talk turned to the wedding tomorrow.

"The princess Fayelinn will be a difficult Queen, won't she?" Ana asked, sighing. Ana was a young girl who usually worked in the kitchens. The one day she left the kitchens, she had the unfortunate experience to run into Faye.

"She will do the best she can when put in that situation." I said, defending my friend.

"I'm sorry, Dawn!" Ana exclaimed, blushing red, "I didn't mean--"

"It's okay." I said, reassuring her the best I could. "I'm not saying it will be easy under her reign."

Everyone laughed at my small jab. Gwaine stayed quiet, moving to down the rest of his ale.

"Oh, she's not that bad." I murmured, nudging him.

"I just doubt her ability to function as both Arthur's wife and the Queen of Camelot. It's a lot of pressure." He replied, keeping his voice low so that only I could hear.

"You underestimate her." I argued.

"When she first arrived here, she expected the Knights to guard her at all times of the day." He retorted.

"That was a year ago!" I snapped, "We have all grown since then."

He didn't bother responding and held his hand up for another beer. Once he had it in his hand, he quickly downed it.

"You need to be all full capacity tomorrow." I hissed, "Whether you want it to happen, or not, you need to be ready to fight for your future Queen."

"You underestimate me." He said, throwing my words back into my face.

"You're drunk." I snapped, "Go sleep it off."

Gwaine narrowed his eyes at me and stood up, making his way out of the bar, swaying slightly.

I wanted to sit there and pout, but the mention of Arthur had me immediately paying attention to the conversation surrounding the rest of the table.

"I'm not sure about Arthur." Leon said, frowning deeply.

"What about him?" I asked, trying not to sound to eager to hear the answer.

"He seems distant lately." Percival agreed, "Nothing like a man who is about to marry the woman he loves."

I tuned out the rest of the conversation, ducking my head to study the table. I had no idea how to react to this news. The men who spent the most time with Arthur believed he wasn't inclined to get married tomorrow.

I shook my head, refusing to think about it further. I couldn't think about that, as if there was hope. I stood up, pushing my chair away.

"It's a big day tomorrow!" I said, putting a smile on my face, "I better get to bed! Fayelinn is wanting me to get up early in the morning to prepare her!"

Percival let out a barking laugh. He called over, "Good luck!"

"I'll need it!"

I smiled to everyone else and made my way out of the bar. The air was cold in comparison to inside of the bar. I looked up at the stars, remembering the night where Arthur told me the stories of all the constellations.

I sighed, ducking my head and continuing on my way.

It was a big day tomorrow.

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now