Chapter Fifty-five

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I couldn't help but smile when I saw Arthur at the front of the room. He was in full uniform, wearing his best chain mail and cape, his crown on the top of his head.

My heart swelled with pride, because after all, I was married to this man.

I felt my hands shake and quickly clasped them together in front of my body. I didn't want to seem nervous in front of the people I would be ruling.

I held my chin up high, straightening my back. Arthur tried to keep his face somber, but I could see the pride he had for me in his eyes.

I looked around, seeing everyone in their best attire. The Knights were lined up on the side, their armor and swords polished until they were shining. Leon nodded as I passed by, a small smile on his face. I returned the gesture, blushing slightly at the attention.

Merlin was up at the front and off to the side. He had a serious expression, his eyes flashing. He saw my anxiety and suddenly his eyes were glowing with his magic.

I felt something moving in my hair, and panicked at first, but then the scent of cherry blossoms hit me. Merlin had grown the flower from Deira into my braid, comforting me. I flashed him a smile and he nodded, a small grin growing on his face.

Finally, I reached the front of the room, standing directly in front of Arthur. I slowly knelt down in front of him, making sure to keep eye contact.

Happiness swelled in my soul as Arthur started talking. He was pretty much stating what he had gone over with me hundreds of times: what it meant to be a Queen.

He talked about being gentle, but firm; accessible to the people and loving of all. I wasn't sure I would be able to hold up these expectations, but it wouldn't stop me from doing my best.

It was amazing to think about what had brought me here. I never thought I would be pleased with the outcome of the attack on Deira, but I could not be more content with how my life had turned out.

Just months ago, I was a servent, hiding the overwhelming feelings I had for my best friend's betrothed. Fayelinn had been a privileged, entitled brat who was perfectly fine with marrying someone for security.

Now, I was becoming Queen of Camelot, and married to the man I loved. Fayelinn was married, happy, and pregnant, about to wage war to win her kingdom back.

I focused back on the coronation to see the crown that would soon be mine in Arthur's hands. I grinned up at him, a kind of serenity coming over me.

He knelt down and placed the crown on top of my head. The sudden weight stunned me. Arthur pulled me to my feet, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Long live the Queen!" Leon yelled out as I turned to face the crowd.

I flashed a smile at him, tears of joy welling up in my eyes. I felt like I couldn't breathe as my heart swelled with love.

"Long live the Queen!" The crowd echoed.

I saw the people I cared about calling out to me, smiles on their faces. My crown suddenly felt lighter on my head, as if it was meant to be there. I reached out blindly and grabbed Arthur's hand in mine.

"Long live the Queen!"

Camelot was my home. I had never been more certain of anything in my life. This was my home more than anywhere else had been. Fayelinn chanted with the rest of the crowd and I remembered this had supposed to be her up here, but she didn't seem upset in the least.

"Long live the Queen!"

I turned to look at my husband and the love of my life. He was grinning down at me with soft eyes. He squeezed my hand and leaned over to kiss my temple. That's when I knew I was wrong. Camelot wasn't my home.

Arthur was my home.

"Long live the Queen!"

I looked up at him and whispered, "I love you."

I knew he heard me from the way his eyes lit up. I smiled. He leaned down until his lips were brushing my ear. I shivered, causing him to chuckle slightly. Then he whispered the words that sent my heart racing and a smile on my face.

"Long live my Queen."

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now