Chapter Twenty-eight

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I ripped myself out of his arms, breathing heavily. I can't believe that we had almost a kissed again. This was the second time today I had almost kissed Fayelinn's betrothed.

I reached up, resting my hand on my fluttering heart. I avoided looking at Arthur, knowing he was trying to get control of himself. I was trying to do that myself, but a little bit less successful.

"I-I need to go." I said. I had meant my voice to come out strong, but it sounded more like a broken whisper.

I turned away and fled down the stairs, pulling my skirts up and out of the way of my legs. I ran past where I had dumped the tub water, and hurried into the doorway, slamming the door shut behind me.

I leaned on it for a second, breathing hard. I felt the need to relax and drug the tub over to fill it with the water that had been bubbling over the fire. While I let it cool, I looked for a towel and stripped down. I felt comfortable taking the bath down here, because not many people came through, even in the daytime.

I slipped under the water, letting out a sigh of relief. It felt good on my muscles, and my mind just turned to mush. My thoughts just halted and I relaxed.

When the water had gone cold, I climbed out, wrapping the towel around my body. I found a clean shift in a linen closet and quickly threw it on.

I dumped the tub again, before turning it upside down to drain completely. I grabbed my used towel and tossed it into the basket of communal laundry.

Finally, I started making my way back to the bedroom. The day was finally catching up with me, and I wanted nothing more than to snuggle up under the covers and get a good night's rest. When I finally reached the room, I could hear Faye crying out in her sleep.

I rushed into the room, moving immediately to her side. I reached out to shake her awake. She was hot to the touch and a little sweaty. I gently nudged her until she woke up from the nightmare.

She bolted upright, gasping loudly with tears streaming down her face. I climbed into the bed next to her, pulling her into my arms. She leaned into me in comfort, clutching onto me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked once she had settled down a little bit.

"I was reliving the attack." She mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder, "Remember that knight? The one who had dragged us around that castle?"

I sighed, closing my eyes tightly. I clenched my fists, groaning softly. I opened my eyes, looking out the window and at the moon. It was hard to believe that just an hour ago I had been watching that same moon with Arthur at my side.

"Remember how he died right in front of us? And how you pulled the sword out of his chest and killed someone else while his blood was still warm on the blade?"

"Fayelinn." I hissed, pulling away from her. "I never forget."

She leaned back against her many pillows and reached out to hold my hand in hers. I slowly leaned back until I was laying next to her, staring up at the ceiling.

"I do not mean to accuse you." She whispered finally. "You saved me that day, and you are the one to suffer for it."

I kept quiet, but tightened my hold on her hand. In that moment, it seemed as if the anger we had held for each other earlier in the day had completely disappeared. It was just the two of us and our memories.

"You're the one with the scar and you're the one who had to kill a man." She continued.

I could feel tears well up in my eyes and I made sure to turn my head in just the right position so that she couldn't see. However, she somehow seemed to know, and fell silent for a second to let me recollect myself.

"I only serve as a reminder of that day, yet you stay with me." She continued when she deemed I was okay, "You take care of me, and even go so far as to defy the king! And today, when you found me in that closet with him..."

"Faye, you don't have to say anything." I quickly spoke up, turning my head to look at her.

"But I do! Because, we have nothing! I have nothing." She exclaimed, her voice growing in fervor, "My kingdom is gone, my family and friends are gone! Everything I have ever known and loved has been wiped off the face of the earth."

She fell silent, succumbing to her sobs. I rolled over and pulled her into a comforting hug. I rubbed her back gently.

"Fayelinn, look at me."

She refused, so I pulled away until she was forced to face me.

"No matter how it may feel," I said, "You are not alone."

She sighed and nodded her head tiredly. I pulled away and climbed out of the bed. I gently pulled the covers up to her neck, making sure she would be warm. She murmured a thank you and I nodded slightly before heading over to my cot in the corner, making sure to close the curtains on my way over.

Without the moonlight streaming in, the room was pitch dark and I couldn't see a foot in front of me. I felt my way into the cot and laid down, covering myself with my flimsy blankets.

I stared into the darkness, laying on my back, thinking the day over. I had thought Faye had fallen asleep, but she spoke up a couple minutes later.

"If anything, I am glad I have you, Dawn." She admitted and I could hear the sleep in her voice, "You are more loyal than I deserve."

I tensed at that comment and I couldn't help but wonder:

Would she still believe that if she knew I fancied the man she was to marry?

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now