Chapter Twenty-nine

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As weeks pass, I had never been envious of Princess Fayelinn or found myself irritated of her. I had to watch her flirt with Arthur everyday, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of bitterness wash over me.

And I often hated myself for feeling that way.

We quickly fell into a routine. Every morning, I would get up before the sun rose and went down to the stables to muck out Abatos's stall. While he had grown more comfortable with his surroundings, he was still comfortable only around me.

Around the time I was finished with that, Fayelinn would just be waking up and I'd help her get ready for the day before the two of us would head to the great hall for breakfast. She would sit there and flirt with Arthur, and I would help serve, ignoring the pain in my chest every time she batted her eyes at him.

After breakfast, we would split up and go on our own ways. Usually, I used this time to finish up some chores or go watch the Knights train. I was quickly accepted into their circle once they heard I had stood up to the King. They respected me and as a reward, I gained some great friends. It often grew a little crazy during this time, but Leon was always there to keep everyone grounded.

The one day he hadn't shown up ended with Percival going to see the physician with an arrow in his calf.

I didn't know what Fayelinn did with her time, but I assumed it had something to do with that knight, because by the time we'd meet up again before dinner, she would be glowing.

I still hadn't discovered who her mystery lover was, and, honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Ignorance is bliss.

After dinner, Faye and I would often spend time together until it was time for bed. We would play certain card games that no lady should ever know, or just talked about everything that was going on. Then we would go to bed and start the whole thing over again in the morning.

The only thing that kept me content most days was Arthur.

After that night at the top of the wall, I had made sure we were never alone in such a romantic way again. Whenever we were together, there was always someone else there, whether it be Merlin, Fayelinn, or a knight.

But none of this stopped my feelings for him from growing every time he would send a small smile or a special look my way.

Every morning in breakfast, he would purposefully find some way to brush against me, sending me away with a blush. I knew he enjoyed teasing me this way, and I have to say, I wasn't exactly against the idea.

Whenever he found something amusing, he would look my way to see if I found it funny as well. And I would often find him just watching me intensely from across the room, longing written on his face.

But, no matter how content we became, there was always an underlying tension. The lady Morgana had left after revealing her bitterness and rage, and it had left the king devastated. He was still doing his ditues, but there was a lack of passion and enthusiasm that he had once shown every day.

Often, Arthur would have to take on more responsibilities in order to make up for the half-assed effort Uther showed. As a result, I had to watch Arthur become more and more stressed.

Faye didn't even seem to notice, which only made me more irritated. If she wasn't so busy planning ways to sneak off to see her knight, perhaps she could have helped Arthur.

That morning at breakfast, she was just as oblivious.

"I just cannot believe she thought it was okay to use that mixture for the laundry!" Faye exclaimed, slathering some butter on her bread, "This is why I work exclusively with Dawn! All the sheets in this castle are now ruined, except for mine. I know they call me selfish, but at least I have nice sheets and a competent maid!"

I sighed softly, bending down next to Uther to offer some more water. He seemed dazed and didn't notice me until I cleared my throat. Only then did he let me pour his drink.

Arthur was busy trying to pacify Fayelinn and didn't notice I was next to him until I was leaning down. He looked up into my eyes and smiled. I couldn't help the shiver that went down my spine.

"Water, sire?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

He nodded and I hurried to fill his cup. As I was pulling away, Arthur made sure to drag his fingers down my forearm. I snapped upright and blushed.

He chuckled lowly and Faye, still complaining about the lack of "competent" servents, didn't even bat an eye.

I scurried away from the table, setting down the jug of water with a bit more force than I intended. Water sloshed over and onto the table, and I couldn't hold back the soft curse from leaving my mouth.

Merlin came up from behind me, chuckling. I glared at him, propping my hands on my hips.

"Need some help?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

I was about to protest, but before I could, he waved his hand over the puddle and muttered something under his breath. His eyes flashed with magic, and when he pulled away, the water had been dried off.

"Cheater." I accused, causing him to laugh some more.

I looked over at the table to make sure I wasn't needed and relaxed when I saw everyone was content at the moment.

"So," Merlin said, causing me to give him a questioning look, "What has you so flustered this morning?"

I blushed, looking involuntarily at the table again. Arthur met my eyes from across the room and winked, causing a grin to grow on my face and my blush to deepen.

When I glanced back at Merlin, he had a frown on his face, and I knew without a doubt that he had witnessed the exchange.

"Dawn, I think we need to talk."

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now