Chapter Thirty-five

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I smiled, reaching out to pull Fayelinn into a hug. I couldn't help but get caught up in her excitement. I laughed as she began to giggle.

I saw Gwen relax over her shoulder, relieved to finally get Faye out of her hair. I motioned for her to go ahead and leave. She nodded and hurried out the door, flashing a grateful smile.

I finally pulled away, raising an eyebrow.

"I've heard you have been a little troublesome for everyone." I admonished.

She flipped her hair back and pouted, before she said, "It's not my fault that everyone is incompetent!"

"I don't think that's the problem. I think you're just picky." I teased, poking her in the side.

She gasped in an exaggerated way, her hand flying to rest on her chest. She said, "How dare you?!"

I laughed, pulling her in for another hug. Despite everything, I had missed her. I pulled away and led her to the bed so that we could both sit down. I was tired after being on a horse for the past week or so, so the bed felt like heaven.

"So I hear you're getting married!" I exclaimed, hoping my tone didn't give anything away.

Faye giggled, looking away. I couldn't see her face, so I assumed she was less than thrilled over becoming the wife of Arthur. I decided not to address it, though, because it wouldn't change anything.

"Can I see the dress?" I asked after a minute.

She turned back to me, her face schooled into an expression of happiness. She nodded and then moved to dig through her wardrobe.

Finally, she pulled out this beautiful white dress with silver embroidery running up and down it. There were pearls and jewels on the bodice.

But I couldn't help but pause.

"It's not gold." I acknowledged.

Faye turned away from me as if she were ashamed. Gold was the color designated to marriage in Deira -- every bride wore gold in Deira even if they were the poorest couple in the land. Yet, this dress had not a single piece of gold on it.

"I figured it was time to let go of our old life." Faye told me, putting the dress back into the wardrobe, "Camelot needs a Queen who is fully accepting of the people's customs and traditions."

It was a decision that a Queen would make.

I despised it.

I looked down at my hands, trying to hide my expression. It was awkward and I could tell a lot of things have changed between the two of us since I left.

"How are things with your knight?" I asked.

Faye gave me an incredibly sad look and I immediately blanched. I hadn't meant to ask that. However, I was thrown off by the expression on her face. She wasn't angry or upset at me, she was just...sad.

She loved this knight.

"Oh, Faye." I sighed, pulling her to my side.

She leaned into me, sniffling quietly. I sat there, my mind reeling. Neither of the people who were going to get married in a week's time were committed to the relationship.

They were both in love with someone else.

Faye finally sat up straight, clearing her throat. I stood up and turned my back to her so that she could have time to get her emotions under control.

"There's been threat of an attack to the kingdom." Faye said.

I turned around with wide eyes, completely distracted from the previous conversation.

"An attack?!" I exclaimed, "From the same people as before?"

"It is believed to be so." She told me, "Either way, tensions are high with the wedding being so close. They think the bandits might take the chance to attack while our defenses are slack because all eyes will be on Arthur and I."

"Smart move." I acknowledged, "All our knights will be centered in one place. What we need to do is spread them out throughout the lower towns and the castle."

"No knight would want to be the one to miss such a huge occasion." Faye argued, "This wedding will be the talk of the land for years to come."

She didn't say it in a boastful way. She was stating facts and information. This wedding would make history and everyone knew it.

"Sacrifices must be made by all." I said, "You and I know that more than anyone."

"Hence the reason why I believe there should be at least one day where no sacrifices need to be made."

"I do not believe that is possible in any situation, princess."

She sighed, seeming to deflate, and said, "Yes, I suppose you are right. Pity though, is it not?"

I didn't answer her. Silence fell in the room, and nothing could be heard save for the birds singing outside the window. The sun was shining, making the dust particles visible.

It was a peaceful day, yet the tensions of the people throughout the land were high.

"I am not supposed to start working again until tomorrow." I announced, "But I will be more than glad to start again tonight, if you would like."

"Oh, would you?" Faye asked, eagerly, a smile lighting up her face. "Gwenivere has been such a sweetheart, but she is not you."

I smiled at the small compliment.

"No problem, princess." I responded, "I will get to work immediately."

"Thank you, Dawn." She said, "I was thinking that we should give this room a good scrub. Next week I will be moving into Arthur's room and I would hate to leave this one in a worse state than when we moved in."

"Of course, my lady." I told her as I bowed low. I guess I wouldn't be getting any sort of rest period before everything was back to full swing. "I will head down to the kitchens for supplies immediately."

"Oh! I will walk with you!" She suggested, "I have missed you so and I am supposed to meet Arthur at the library! It's on the way!"

I nodded and we both left the room, talking in low voices. We were trying to catch up with each other in the span of the walk, but it quickly became apparent that we wouldn't be able to.

Especially when we came across Arthur.

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now