*Chapter Six*

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 My face hit the ground and my hands flew up to it as sharp pain radiated through my cheek. Within a couple of seconds the weight was gone and someone pulled me up into their chest. "Are you okay?" I heard Zack ask as I opened my eyes. I nodded even though my cheek started hurting worse. 

I looked over and saw two guys. Cody and Samuel who I had seen around school were on the ground practically on top of each other looking at Zack and I.

 "What the fuck are you guys doing? Get up and stop cuddling on the floor will ya?" Cody made a disgusted face and Samuel just smiled. They got up and Cody smirked at me. 

"Who's the pretty lady?" he asked as I tried to hide behind Zack a bit. I looked up to him as he was opening his mouth to say something but Samuel cut him off. 

"Awe she's so cute when she blushes, I'm Sammy by the way." he said with a huge smile. My eyebrows scrunched up. 

"I thought you went by Samuel?" I asked.

 "You know my name? I go my Samuel at school because Zack says Sammy sounds like a baby name." he said enthusiastically but with a little frown at the end. He looked like a sad puppy as he looked up to Zack. Zack rolled his eyes and stepped away from me to shut his door. 

"That's Zoe but she was just leaving." I frowned a little and nodded taking my hand down from my cheek. Cody looked confused and Sammy's eyes widened. "What happened? Did we do that?" Cody asked, his eyes growing wide too. I shook my head and mumbled "No, it's nothing" as Sammy suddenly grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the stairs. 

"We have to ice that before you go, cant you stay a little longer?" he pouted at me and gave me puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist. 

"uh okay." I mumbled.

 "Sweet" he said as he pulled me into the kitchen, it was a normal looking kitchen, not spotless but not a complete mess. The sink had dishes piled in the sink which made Zack grumble in annoyance. Zack walked into the kitchen as Sammy started to get the ice 

"Sam, I thought I told you to do the dishes. Its your turn." he said as he walked past to me and grabbed an apple off the counter. Sammy gave me the ice so I pressed It up to my cheek and said thanks. He smiled and grabbed the apple from Zack and took a bite out of it earning a grunt and a smack In the back of the head from Zack. He rubbed his head and came and hid behind me.

 "Zoeee Zack's being rude. I like you better than him." he stated after dragging out my name. he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I stiffened.

 I don't know if Zack noticed or if he was just getting annoyed with him but he said "Sam, get off of her, go bother Alex or something." as he walked over to me. He let go and mumbled an okay as he sulked away. 

"I've got to go but thanks again." I said picking my bag up again. 

"Do you want me to drive you? I have to get dressed then go somewhere anyways." he offered.

 "Uh no thanks, I'm good. I've got to go, bye." I said as I walked towards the door, trying to get away fast and hoping I would never see him again.

 "Okay, Zoe, see ya around" he said, using my actual name for once. I slipped out the door and saw that he only lived a couple minutes away from me and that I walked by his house on the way to and from school. As I walked back, started thinking. How many people lived there? Were there any adults? I was at my door unlocking it when I realized something else.

 It was Friday and I still had school. I tried to unlock the door faster and ran into the house up to my room. I grabbed my phone on my nightstand and saw it was still at 45 percent. I ran into my closet and grabbed a hoodie and some jeggings. I quickly changed and looked at my clock. 

"Shit." I repeated over and over again. School started in 7 minutes and I was sure I wasn't going to make it. I grabbed my bag and ran out my door, not even bothering with breakfast. I braided my hair as I ran to school. It usually takes about 10 to fifteen minutes to get to school walking so I might be able to get there running as fast as I can. I ran by Zack's house and saw a car still there so he probably didn't even leave yet, he doesn't seem to really care if he gets a detention and I think he's gone from school more often than not.

 I ran for another couple minutes before the building came into view. Right as I walked in the doors and looked up at the clock, the second bell rang meaning I was late. I ran to my first period hoping that if I was only a couple minutes late I wouldn't get in trouble. I opened the door and tried to sneak to my seat but the teacher stopped me.

 "Miss Starr, care to explain why you are late?" he asked. Mr.Johnson hated me so I wasn't surprised when he spoke up. 

"I uh overslept?" I asked more as a question than a answer. 

"Detention, now get to your seat." he said as he slipped me a pink piece of paper and continued taking role. I sighed and walked to the back of the class which was the only place left to sit in. I slouched down and put my head in my hands. That was only the second time I had gotten detention in all my years in all my time going here. 

The first was when Julia said our old music teacher looked like Ariel had a bad trip and flounder shit all over her head and she over heard. But seriously, she looked like she was 108 with firetruck red hair. What did she expect? Even if I wasn't the one who had said it, I was 'still involved and just as guilty'. Lets just say I didn't get the best grade that year. 

But even then the detention wasn't that bad because Julia and I were the only ones there.

 I managed to get through the rest of the day with out incident. I slowly walked to the detention room and knocked on the door. When I didn't hear a response, I opened up the door and my heart dropped. 


I said I would upload twice tonight so I did :D I hope you guys are liking it and if so, COMMENT! the comments from you guys make me want to keep wrighting even if its just a few of you!



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