*Chapter Seven*

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You guessed it, Zack and his group sitting in the back row. Okay, so let me get this straight. There's Zack the 'leader', Cody, Sammy, Kyle and Eric. 

I moved over to the window by the right side of the room as everyone stared at me. Sammy was smiling so wide that it hurt my cheeks just looking at him, Zack was smirking, Cody was looking at me like a piece of meat, and the other two were confused by everyone's reaction. 

I looked away and sunk into my seat that was two rows in front of them. I looked up only to see the teacher was sleeping at his desk. I sighed and put my head down, trying to ignore them and forget about it but it was hard considering I could practically feel five sets of eyes burning into me.

After a couple minutes of unbearable silence, other than the paper crinkling which I didn't want to look back and see what for, I slipped my earbuds in and put my music on shuffle. I put my head back down in my arms but a couple minutes later I felt something bounce off my shoulder. 

Since my head was still on my desk, if I shifted a little I could see the ground. A ball of paper was right at me feet. Right when I saw it, another paper hit me in the back of the head. I paused my music with my left hand but left my earbuds in so they thought I was still listening to music.

 Another ball hit me but I still ignored it. 10 balls of paper later, they started to talk. 

"What the fuck, is she the queen of ignoring people?" I heard Zack say which made me smile slightly.

 "This is the furthest anyone has gotten without getting mad." I heard what I think was Kyle say.

 "Yeah, I'm impressed." Cody said with a little smirk in his voice.

 "Lets test her!" Sammy practically yelled earning a bunch of shushes from everyone else. I almost laughed at that point but then they would know I was listening. A minute later I felt something different bounce on my back I looked to the ground and saw it was a pencil, after a few of those it went to a marker. 

Then a couple rubber bands, then a bouncy ball, then a tiny empty box. Several things, lots of impressed and annoyed comments, and about 30 minutes later, there were only about 30 seconds left of class when a big book hit me in the back.

 It hurt a bit more than it usually would because of the fading bruise but I just stood up, turned around and smiled at them before walking up to the teachers desk, slamming down my pink detention ship which made the detention monitor snort and shoot up in his seat, and walk out the detention door right as the bell rang. They were all either surprised or impressed and I walked home with a smile. When I finally got home, I saw my moms car was still in the driveway which immediately made my face fall.

 I sighed and quietly unlocked the door. I slipped in and tried to be as quiet as possible but of coarse my mom wouldn't miss a chance to yell at me.

 "Zoe, is that you? Oh you have some explaining to do!" she yelled from upstairs. I put my bag down by the door as she stomped down the stairs. I glanced up to see her storming over to me. She stopped about a foot in front of me. 

"Where were you last night?" she asked louder than she had to seen how I was right in front of her.

 "I stayed at a friends house." I said in my small voice.

 "You're lying to me, you want to know how I know that? Because nobody as ugly and fat as you could have any friends." she hissed in my face. I'll admit to myself that it hurt but I wouldn't to anybody else. 

"I'm not lying." I stated hoping she would just drop it and go back to whatever she was doing.

 "Then who did you stay with?" she asked raising an eyebrow. At this point I just wanted to run up to my room and lock myself in there forever. 

"Julia." I answered, my voice getting smaller and smaller. 

"Do you think i'm fucking stupid? I knew you were lying, Julia is on vacation with her family." she snarled in my face as she whipped open the door.

 "You know what? Get out! I don't even want to see you right now you pig!" she yelled as she shoved me out the door. Luckily I could snatch my bag up before she slammed the door in my face. I sighed and fought back the tears that were building in my eyes. I wouldn't cry about her tonight.

 I decided that I would walk to a park that was about 10 minutes past the school before i tried to get back in. I checked my phone and saw it was only at fifteen percent so I couldn't use it for music. It took about twenty five minutes to get to the park. There was a big play set for kids and a swing set in the middle of a big grassy area, with trees behind it.

 It was just getting dark so it was giving off quite the creepy feel with the slight breeze swaying the swings. I tossed my bag to the side as I plonked down on one of the swings. I moved my feet so I was slightly swaying back and fourth. 

After a while, I started to get a feeling somebody was watching me but I was always paranoid with my dad disappearing and all. I had nightmares about him constantly so it was only normal that I would be like this. He made it clear that he was never coming back but you never know with him. After a minute, I grabbed my bag and started to walk home. It was pitch black out and my only source of light was coming from the street lights illuminating circles on the pavement. 

I stared at my feet and put my hood up so nobody could see my face because I didn't exactly live in the best neighborhood. There were several people out on the streets at this time. Some selling drugs, some getting drunk, some already so drunk they can barely stand. They were just setting themselves up to get killed, robbed, or both. They all had one thing in common for me though. To avoid at all costs. 

I've had several close calls with people out here so I've learned  few tips. I got home about twenty minutes later after picking up my pace a little and snuck around back. I easily climbed the tree and landed on my small balcony. I slowly slid the door open and slipped inside, closing it as quiet as possible. My mom is a pretty heavy sleeper so I didn't really have to worry but better safe than sorry. 

I switched my lamp on and pulled my homework out of my bag. I spent the next hour sitting on my bed doing that and when I finally finished I put it back in my bag for Monday. I plugged in my phone before I stripped out of my day clothes and threw on some underwear and a tank top to sleep in. Right as my head hit my pillow, I fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.


A bit of a longer chapter today :)  Don't be a silent reader! comment something!  What do you guys think so far? I know I'm only a few chapters in but.. XD



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