*Chapter Fifty Two*

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Our group, minus a few, were standing by the sides talking and joking around. Zack was standing next to me, his arm pressed against mine.

"You guys are boring, come dance with us." Cody said popping over to us, slightly out of breath, probably from fighting his way through the crowd. I looked up to Zack with a smile and he shook his head lightly.

"I don't dance." He said and I pouted before turning to Cody who smiled at me.

"I'll go, do you want to dance with me Cody?" I asked and his smile grew.

"Sure." He said holding his hand out. I started to reach forward to him but Zack quickly spun around me and grabbed my hand.

"Oh hey I love this song. Want to dance?" he asked and I laughed.

"Sure Zack. Oh, who is this song by?" I asked as he pulled me into the crowds of people.

"Uhhh, I always forget... never mind that." He said and I smirked at him. He let out a chuckle realizing I knew exactly what he was doing and just shrugged. We started to move to the music but apparently the DJ decided to take that exact moment to switch the music.

The tune slowed and I looked up to Zack who held his hand out. I took it, stepping closer to him as the people around us started to do the same. Zack led my hands up to his neck and I clasped my hands together around it as his arms snaked around me. His hands settled on my hips and we started swaying to the music.

"I thought you said you couldn't dance." I said quietly and a small smile overtook his features.

"I said I don't dance, but I made an exception for you." He said and my face matched his.

"Oh really? Should I feel special?" I said and a soft expression settled in his eyes.

"Very." Is all he said before a comfortable silence enveloped us. I looked up into his eyes that were slightly shadowed by the dim light. My eyes trailed to the details of his face, the small scars, the shadows from his hair that was set neatly in place, the outlines of his features.

My eyes met his again but fluttered closed as his head dipped and lips met mine. The kiss was sweet, slow, and made my head spin as I resisted the urge to run my fingers through his hair and mess it all up. His hands slipped to my lower back and he pulled my closer.

We pulled back after several long seconds and I blinked my eyes open as he did the same. We stayed silent as I dipped my head down and rested it on his chest, partially hiding my red face and partially just because I wanted to be close to him. He set his head on mine lightly as I looked around to the people around us. Several people were looking at us but I just shut my eyes, content with where I was.

We swayed along to the music, neither one of us making a move to end the dance early. I felt butterflies swarm inside of my stomach and chest as I listened to Zacks heartbeat.

I liked him as more than just a friend, that I knew. What I didn't know was what was going to come out of it. I pushed any incoming bad thoughts away and just enjoyed the moment, listening to the music, relaxing in Zack's arms, wishing it would last forever.


At almost midnight, I stepped into my house with a grin on my face and tingling lips. I tiredly made my way to the kitchen, filling up a glass with water and sipping on it as I peeled my heals off with a sigh. A smile stayed on my face as I placed the glass into the sink and turned around, planning to go change and go straight to bed.

The wind was knocked out of me and my demeaner instantly changed as I raised my eyes to look at the man standing in front of me.

"Zoe, well don't you look nice. Did you miss me?"


Really short chapter but ohs noes 



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