*Chapter Nine*

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My alarm went off as I was half asleep. I rolled over and smashed my hand on the big button on top of it. I looked over at it to see it was 7:30 Am. I groaned and mumbled to myself. Why on earth would I have my alarm so early on a Sunday? I slipped out of bed and got a quick shower before getting dressed. My mom would be leaving in three days including today. 

I checked my phone and didn't see any messages so I grabbed my book off of my nightstand and walked over to my big comfy circle chair and picked it up. I went out on my balcony and set it down before I sat down and started reading. Usually when I start reading I wont stop for a couple hours and that was my plan. Soon I was swept into a different world that was much better than mine. That's one of my favorite things about reading, you get to live somewhere else- be someone else for a while and forget about anything bad going on in your life.

 Quite a while passed before I finished the thick book. I got up and stretched, hearing my back crack from sitting in the same position for such a long time. I picked up my chair and placed it back inside and put my book on my book shelf that was over flowing, I made a mental note to look for a bigger one. I looked over to my clock to see I had been reading for four hours and that it was about noon.

 I slipped out of my room and crept down stairs. I looked out the front window to see if my mom's car was there. I didn't see it so I let out a breath of relief as I walked into the kitchen. I leaned on the counter after I got a drink and thought. I was getting hungry but did I really need it? I walked over to the mirror in the living room and pulled up my shirt to show my stomach. Sure, I wasn't fat or overweight but maybe I could lose a couple pounds right? That's what everybody was saying so maybe I should listen and drop a couple pounds.

 I sighed and walked back upstairs without food. I grabbed my phone and looked at it to see a message from my mom 'I went to my friends house for the day so don't get into anything, especially the kitchen, don't want the pig to get any fatter.' I took a deep breath in and didn't respond because I knew she was right. I went down stairs on the couch and decided to have a Netflix marathon. After quite a while, I fell asleep all huddled up In a ball. Don't you just love lazy Sundays?


I jolted awake by water splashing over my face. I wiped my eyes and looked up to see a blurry figure standing there. I blinked a couple times and my vision cleared enough to see my mom standing there with one hand on her hip and an empty glass in the other. "Get up, you are going to be late for school." she snapped and walked away mumbling insults about me. At lease she would be leaving tomorrow I looked up to the clock on the wall above the couch and saw that school started in fifteen minutes. I jumped up and ran upstairs.

 I jumped into the shower quickly and rinsed off without wetting my hair because that would take to long too dry. I got out and dried off while I brushed my teeth. I got dressed and grabbed my phone seeing that school started in eight minutes. I slipped my shoes on and slipped out the door. I started running to school and as I passed Zack's house I saw that he was already gone. I didn't know if he had already gone to school or was somewhere else. 

I wanted to make sure he was alright but I knew I needed to stop running into him because see where that already got me? Running away from the cops, running from a creepy dude, jumping a giant gap that could have possibly killed me if I missed and several nights of barely any sleep. 

I made it to the school doors right as the three minute bell rung . I ran to my math class without dropping by my locker. I slipped into the door right as the bell rang, panting and probably as red as a tomato. The teacher looked up to me and have me a dirty look so I just smiled at him. I slipped into my seat as he started role call.

The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang