*Chapter Fifty Three*

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I froze, my limbs instantly going cold, my chest tightening, and my face losing all color.

He stepped forward and I stumbled back, a grin growing on his face. It all hit me at once. The memories, the pain. He stepped forward and reached for me and my mind instantly snapped, dread consuming me as I darted around him trying to get to the door. A scream slipped past my lips as he grabbed my arm and ripped me back, slamming me into the wall by my throat.

"No no no no no, please-" tears streamed down my cheeks as he pressed harder into my throat, cutting off my air flow and making my vision start to dot with darkness.

"What a warm welcome." He sneered as he let up on my neck so I would stay conscious. I clawed at his hand, feeling my tears drip down.

"I'll get straight to the point. Fathers home now. That means all the shit you've been getting away with stops now." He ground out, throwing me to the ground. I scrambled back to the bottom of the stairs, looking at him with wide eyes.

Its really him. He's really back.

"You will come home after school and make dinner. If you are late, there will be consequences." He bit out stepping towards me. His foot flew forward and hit my arm, making me yelp and clutch my arm. My brain wasn't working properly, I could barely even think or react.

"If I see you whoring around like you have been, there will be consequences." He said kicking me again, hitting my hand.

"If you tell anybody anything that goes on here, I will kill you." He said darkly before making his way up the stairs and slamming the door to his room. I choked just staring at the ground. My stomach turned and my breaths came out in little puffs. I grabbed my phone that I had dropped next to me with shaking hands, navigating my way to my contacts, hovering over Zack's name.

No. I couldn't. He would kill me, he would kill everyone around me. Even Zack wouldn't be able to stop him. My heart beat quickened as I shut off my phone. I looked over to the door. I couldn't leave. He would hear and I wouldn't make it far.

I quickly scrambled up to my feet and looked up the stairs that he had climbed just minutes before. I made my decision and slowly crept up them, making my way to my room and silently shutting and locking the door before I broke down. My breaths sped up as I stumbled into my bathroom. I slid down the wall and I instantly was hit with everything.

I can't do it. I can't do it again. I put my hand over my mouth to quiet my sobs. My hands ripped at my hair, undoing all of Carly's work little by little as I threw all of the pins onto the ground. I reached behind me and slid the zipper down, kneeling and ripping the dress off.

I put my head on my knees and curled into a ball, squeezing the life out of my legs. The pain in my chest seared as I gasped for air.

My hand went down to my leg and this time, Zack wasn't there to pull my hand away. My skin stung as it was ripped open and bruised, I choked on my tears, looking out to my bedroom door and making sure it was shut. My hands went to my head as it started to pound with the pressure of me trying to hold in my tears, hold in any noise.

What felt like hours later, I ended up leaning against the bathroom wall with my head tilted back and eyes closed. I stayed like that for who knows how long before I silently stood up and turned to the sink, not even bothering with looking I the mirror before I scrubbed my makeup off. I walked back into my room and made sure that my door was locked before crawling into bed and pulling up the covers over my body that was only covered by my undergarments.

My eyes were heavy and my head pounded but I refused to sleep and instead lied awake for hours until the sun started to shine through my window.


4 pm rolled around and I rung my hands, pacing back and forth. I had to go make dinner for him. If I didn't, I didn't even want to think about what he would do. I looked to the door, dread settling in my stomach as I reached forward and twisted the lock before pulling the door open silently.

I poked my head out before stepping out and making my way down the stairs. I looked around but didn't see my father anywhere. I made my way to the kitchen and started to make dinner, making sure my back was never fully turned and surveying the room every few seconds.

Right as I finished, I heard the front door slam open, the sudden noise sending my heart into my throat. I quickly plated the food for him and filled a glass with water as he stumbled into the kitchen.

I look the plate and glass in my trembling hands and nodded at him. He smirked and motioned for me to put it on the table that was behind him. I slowly walked by him, my entire body tense as I set the food down and spun around as he spoke up.

"Good girl." He said and I looked up to him, taking a quick second to really look at him. He was slightly taller than me and was about double my weight. He stood slightly hunched over and was wearing an old wife beater and dirty jeans. I could smell the alcohol from where I stood and could tell he was drunk by the way he stood and talked. Hell, before he had left, I could tell if he was drunk just by hearing his footsteps from upstairs.

I nodded and turned to the kitchen, cautiously walking by him to go clean up.

"Did I say you were excused?" he asked and I whipped around, looking at the ground. I already angered him.

"I'm sorry." I said and he slammed his chair back, making me jump.

"Go, I don't want to see your filthy face." He said and I quickly turned and made my way to the kitchen, cleaning up and deciding it wasn't worth risking it to grab food for myself. I put the leftovers in the fridge before silently walking out and by him. I climbed the stairs, keeping my eyes on him up until the last second that I possibly could before slipping back into my room and locking the door. I let out a sigh before walking back to my bathroom to get a shower.

I thought about Zack and the rest of the group. I couldn't put them in danger. I wouldn't. I made my decision as I stripped down. I couldn't keep involving myself with them. My father would know, he would find out.

He always did.





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