*Chapter Twenty Four*

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On Sunday I had just stayed home and caught up on homework (and Netflix once I was finished). Monday was here once again, and I was walking into my 5th period class that I had with Zack and Kyle.

I had Zack in my second period class but couldn't talk to him because he had to sit across the room since all the other seats were filled. I saw Kyle in the back of the class chatting with another guy, but I don't think he had noticed me yet. I slid into the desk next to Zack. Is head was down on his desk, hidden by his arms. I leaned over and tapped on his shoulder lightly. He lifted his head and looked at me. He looked pretty tired which made me a little curious.

"Hey, tired?" I asked giving him a small smile. He just nodded and gave me a tiny smile before laying his head back down on his arms. I had the strong urge to run my hand through his hair or rub his back but I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that.

I opened my mouth to say something else but decided against it. I didn't want to bother him, so I turned to the front after one more long glance at his hunched over form. I could talk to him at lunch right after this or something.

The bell rang, and I was forced to turn my attention back to school as the teacher started talking about history like usual as a guilty pit settled in my stomach.

Why I felt like that?

No clue.

I just sighed and let a frown settle on my face.


Just one more period then I could try and see what was up.


The bell rang, and Zack jumped a little. He probably fell asleep, I don't think I saw him move once the entire class. How he didn't even get called out for it was beyond me, but I was kind of glad. He sat up and glanced around, meeting my eyes and giving me another small smile that didn't reach his eyes. I stood up and nodded my head to the door.

He knew what I was saying and stood up to start walking with me. We both silently made our way outside to our usual table. Kyle stayed behind for a minute to talk to somebody as Zack and I strolled over to our spot. We both plopped down, and he slowly unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite out of it. I did the same and sat quietly, not really knowing what to say. I saw Sammy across the field, coming out the other school doors with Cole. I figured I should ask Zack now before everybody got here.

"Are you alright?" I asked before I could chicken out.

I didn't look up from his food but just nodded and said "Yeah, just tired."

I slowly nodded as he started to get up.

"What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Sleeping." Is all he said as he threw his back pack on the ground in front of a tree and started to sit down.

"Here, wait." I said getting up and sitting up against the tree where he had set his backpack down. He looked at me curiously before I patted my lap. Realization washed over his tired looking face.

"Your backpack will be uncomfortable, I can wake you up when the bell rings." I said as he looked at me with a grateful smile on his face as Sammy and Cole made it to the table. They looked over curiously but didn't say anything as Zack laid down, resting his head on my lap. The boys exchanged an odd look but just started chatting away like nothing was different.

I looked down to Zack's head in my lap. His eyes were closed but I could tell he wasn't asleep yet, although I didn't think he would be awake for much longer. I lifted my hand up and hesitated for a second before running my fingers through his hair.

I studied his face looking for a reaction and I got what I was looking for when he sighed and unconsciously tilted his head further towards my hand. The corners of my lips turned up as I lifted my hand up and ran it through his soft dark locks again. His hair had been getting a little longer and he was probably due for a haircut soon.

After a few minutes, his breathing slowed down, and his lips parted slightly. He looked softer when he slept, less mean and more boyish almost. I glanced up to the rest of the boys who had sat down at the table. Julie was eating lunch with some other people today which I was grateful for because she would probably start teasing me or freaking out. I would be fine with it, but I knew she would probably end up waking Zack up.

The boys didn't really seem bothered by it at all. They just continued to talk away but kept the volume down which I thought was sweet of them. I wondered why Zack was so tired but didn't ask anybody if they knew why. I zoned out listening to Zack's soft breathing as I continued to gently play with his hair. Hopefully he would be able to get a good night's sleep tonight and be back to himself tomorrow.


Turns out, Zack wasn't better the next day. Or the one after that. In fact, he was much worse. I sat down at our lunch table.

"Where's Zack?" I asked the boys who were also oddly quiet.

"Had to go do something." Is all Kyle replied with.

"Is he okay? Seriously." I asked worriedly looking around to the boys.

"Just a bad week Zoe, he'll be okay after the weekend." Eric said looking down to his unappetizing cafeteria food. I sighed and nodded, wanting to know more but deciding to keep my mouth shut. I slowly ate my food and let my mind wander. I hoped he would be alright by next week like Eric said.

Although I would never admit it to him, I missed the little bugger. I just looked down with a frown and set my sandwich down, losing my appetite.

It will be better by next week.



I've got a few Chapters Pre-written so I'll probably be posting one a day for a few days :) maybe two if i have time ;)



The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora