*Chapter Forty Four*

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I wrote this when I was half delirious, its pretty bad.



School on Monday drew on and on yet when the final bell rang, I didn't want to leave. I thought about the empty house that was waiting for me as I slowly walked towards the doors of the school. I pushed past the doors and slipped around the lingering students. The walk home was quiet and lasted a shorter amount of time then I had hoped.

I unlocked the front door and kicked off my shoes, taking in the eerie silence. I let out a sigh and walked over to the couch, pulling out my homework and sitting down. My eyes skimmed over everything quickly and then I set to work.


A while later right as I was finishing up my last piece of math homework, my phone rang. My stomach twisted but calmed once I saw it as Zack calling. I picked it up and answered it, tucking all the school papers into a separate folder to turn in tomorrow.

"Hey." I said standing up an stretching my arms up with a yawn.

"Hey, what are you up to?" He asked and I glanced towards my backpack.

"I just finished up my homework, what's up?" I asked and walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"I was just bored and wanted to call my girl." He said and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my water.

"Your girl huh?" I said sarcastically as I glanced out the window.

My smile instantly dropped as my eyes immediately locked on the figure standing by the fence. The wind was knocked out of me as I stared at the man I had hoped to never see again.

I heard glass shattering and frantic words but couldn't move. My stomach turned and heart beat sped up as I stared wide eyed out the window.

The figure ducked out of the gate in the blink of an eye, almost making me second guess if he was even there but I knew better. He was back.

I let out a soft choke as I struggled to breathe, my eyes still locked on the spot where my father stood seconds before. A heavy feeling settled in my bones, this was really happening.

"Zoe? What happened?" Zack's frantic words finally met my ears as I stumbled back and slid down against the fridge.

"Zoe!" Zack yelled as my eyes shifted to the shattered glass around me.

"I'm coming over, I'll be there in a minute." He said and that's what finally let my mind focus enough to try and respond.

"I- He's..." I stuttered not being able to form any other words.

"I'll be there in a minute, just hang tight." He said as tears formed in my eyes. I almost dropped my phone, my hands shaking, my fingers growing numb.

My eyes locked back on the window even though I could no longer see anything but the darkening sky out of it from the floor.

My heart shot up into my throat as I heard a knock at the door what felt like hours later. My hand tightened on my phone as I panicked for a second before Zack's voice came through and met my ears again.

"Its me, open up Zoe." He said sounding out of breath.

It took me a second, but I slowly stood up and walked over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open. Zack immediately rushed in and lightly rested his hands on my shoulders as his wide frantic eyes searched my face and body to make sure I was alright. His breath came out ragged and quick as his eyes came back up and met mine.

"What happened, are you alright?" he asked and I just stared blankly at his chest for a second before choking on my words.

"He- He's back- I can't- he's back Zack." I choked out before I completely broke down.

He pulled me to his chest as my breathing quickened. His hand slid over my back soothingly as he whispered in my ear.

"Its alright, you're okay." He held me tight as we both slid down the wall to the ground. I shook my head as my hands shook violently.

"Just breathe, you're alright now, I'm here." He whispered into my hair as tears streamed down my face and I tried to catch my breath. My hand reached down to my leg, my nails barely starting to dig into my black leggings but he grabbed my hand and brought it to his chest, holding it tight.

After a minute my tears stopped but my breathing was still ragged as my mind raced with all the different scenarios that played out in my head.

Zack shifted me and tucked an arm under my legs before lifting me up slowly.

"Come on, lets get you to bed." He said before he started to make his way up the stairs.

I stayed silent as he entered my room and flipped back the blanket. He kicked his shoes off before sliding both of us into bed and pulling the covers up. I shifted so my face was to his chest and he put his hand on my back, slowly starting to move it and trace patterns as he tucked his chin on the top of my head.

"Go to sleep Zoe, I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered and I felt my eyes drooping. It took me a few minutes, but I drifted off quicker than I thought I would, wrapped in Zack's arms.


At least for now.


Is that a police? I'm calling the weed.

boop boop boop

420 whatchu smokin'




The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon