*Chapter Eleven*

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(like seriously... not edited at all. At least i uploaded? No? Not a good enough excuse? okie...)



Zoe's P.O.V

She was just ogling at Zack the whole time.

"Alright I'll be right back with menus." he just ignored her as he turned to me.

"They have awesome burgers here and the best milkshakes."

I smiled a bit before saying "I don't really want anything."

Peoples voices echoed in my head taunting me about my appearance and weight.

"Why?" he asked looking genuinely confused.

"I'm just not really that hungry." I answered.

"We've been working out most of the afternoon, you have to be hungry." he argued. I just shrugged and looked down to the table.

"Come on Zoe, please?" he asked. I looked up to his pouting face and sighed.

"Fine." I replied making him grin again. We talked while waiting for our food to arrive. When the girl had come back to take our orders. She once again only acknowledged Zack. When she came back and placed our food in front of us, Zack completely ignored her while I said a quick thanks which seemed to annoy her even more. She threw a quick glare at me before placing her hand on Zack's shoulder and rubbing it a bit.

"Do you need anything else?" she asked in a high pitched voice making me cringe.

"Nope." Zack said flicking her hand off of him.

"You sure? I'm sure I can get a discount for a hottie like you. I'm sure I could get you my number too." she continued on. Zack took a deep breath getting more annoyed with every word she spoke.

"No, now if you could please leave us alone that would be fantastic." Zack replied. Sarcasm practically dripping from his words. She huffed a bit before saying

"Fine. I'm sure you'll chance your mind though." and spinning around on her heals and clicking away.

"Doubtful." he muttered under his breath. I rolled my eyes at her before we continued our conversation and ate. The burger was delicious and I was starving but I only ate about half of it. When we were ready to leave, Zack signaled over the waitress.

"Have you changed your mind yet?" she asked flirtatiously while blinking her eyes trying to look sexy. It really only managed to make her look like she had something in her eyes.

"Definitely not. Get us the bill." he ordered completely ignoring her latest attempt to win him over. She huffed again and slammed the bill down on the table before glaring at me again. Suddenly her mood brightened and she turned sickly sweet again.

"Let me clear this away before you leave." she said reaching over to my water glass. I knew what she was going to do before she even reached the glass. She picked it up and pretended to 'accidentally' drop it but before anything spilled on me, I caught it and looked up to her. I stood up along with Zack who looked like he was about to rip her head off at this point.

"You dropped this." I said in a fake sweet voice before throwing the glass of water in her face. Zack busted out laughing while I just smirked at her. She let out an ear piercing shriek before screaming some profanities that were along the lines of 'don't come back' along with calling me several names.

"lets go" Zack said still laughing. I nodded laughing along with him while she stormed over to behind the counter.

"He's too good for you, you know that right?!" she shrieked right as we opened the door to leave. I have her the thumbs up while Zack flipped her off before we stepped out of the café and made our way over to his bike.

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