*Chapter Twenty Seven*

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Like super unedited, I'm so sorry for your poor eyes.



"Zoeeee, my girlll. How's it goin'?" he slurred out stumbling a little but regaining his balance and chuckling.

"What on earth are you doing here?" I exclaimed too shocked to move or do anything else.

"I just wanted to see my favorite girl." He said with a goofy grin as water dripped from his hair down his face.

I sighed before panicking a little.

"Zack, get in here. It's freezing out." I ushered him in. He stumbled a little and walked in as I shut and locked the door. I spun around to see him staring off into space like he was thinking hard.

"Stay here, I'll go grab you a towel." I said. He smiled at me before I ran up the stairs and grabbed a big fluffy towel out of the linen closet that was right by my room. I turned around to see Zack halfway up the stairs. I rushed forward and grabbed his arm, so he wouldn't fall backwards.

"I thought I told you to stay downstairs." I told him as I half pulled him up so he wouldn't fall down and break his neck or something.

"I'm sorry, I missed you." He pouted as I pulled him over into my room and into my connected bathroom. I guided him in front of the toilet and pushed him back a little.

"Sit." He did as I said and sat down as I unfolded the towel and stepped forward to start drying his hair. He let out what sounded like a giggle as his head lolled to the side and I pushed it back up. My lips turned up, I didn't think the day would ever come that I heard Zack, the tough scary looking bad ass giggle. All of a sudden, he seemed to get really sad.

"Aren't you mad at me? I'm mad at me." he asked looking down at his hands lying limp in his lap.

"Why would I be mad at you?" I asked momentarily forgetting about what he had said the day before.

"Because I'm a jerk." He said sadly. I lifted his head up so I could look at his face.

"You're not a jerk Zack." I said softening as his lower lip poked out.

"I swear I didn't mean it, you're just the only one that seemed like you cared. Well other than my friends but they don't count." He said licking his lips.

"Why don't they count?" I asked ignoring the first part of his comment.

"I don't know." He laughed, his head rolling over to the side again.

"I really didn't mean it Zo. I wish you would stare at me all day. You haven't stolen my friends, if anything you brought us closer together. I wish I could hang out with you all the time, but I can't because you're busy..." he trailed off pouting. "I'm still not really okay with your friend though, she's rude to you, you deserve better but I'm definitely okay with you. Like really definitely okay with you." He said looking up to me with wide yet sad eyes. I gave him a small smile and brushed his damp hair out of his face.

"I know." Is all I said gazing at his face that was covered in a few day-old scruff. He leaned forwards and wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned his head on my stomach. I froze for a second but hugged him back the best I could and ran my hand through his hair. He looked up to me while keeping his arms wrapped around me.

"You're very pretty." He mumbled looking over my face. I blushed before shaking my head a little bit.

"Come on Zack, we have to dry you off before you get sick." I said prying him away. He huffed but stood up, swaying a little. I wrapped my arm around his waist, keeping him steady until he stopped swaying.

The Baddest Boy in Town (COMPLETED!!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن