*Chapter Ten*

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(like seriously... not edited at all. XD)


Pretty long chapter so grab some popcorn ;)


Zoe's P.O.V

My eyes went wide and I just stared at him in horror for a couple seconds before he busted out laughing. And when I say laughing, I mean almost crying, about to fall over, holding his stomach, gut splitting hysteria. 

"Yo-your f-face" he gasped out. I just crossed my arms and stared at him un-amused. Even though he looked pretty hot- um I mean happy. Yeah happy. He finally sobered up and stood completely straight. 

"Did you really think I was going to kill you?" he asked with a little chuckle. 

"Maybe." I muttered and followed after him when he started walking to the warehouse. 

"Well I promise I'm not going to kill you... Yet" he said as I caught up to him. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Great..." I drew out which made him chuckle again. He got up to the metal door, reached into his pocket, pulled out some keys and unlocked the door. He held the door open and motioned me in. I stepped in and it was pitch black but only for a couple seconds.

 I heard a click as he flipped on the lights. One by one rows of lights switched on to reveal a huge room that looked like a gym. There were all kinds of equipment from punching bags, weights, and boxing rings to jump ropes and tread mills. Plus a ton of stuff that i had no idea what it even was. I swear they had everything. 

"Woah, who owns this place?" I asked looking around as the last light clicked on. 

"I do." he said, surprising me. 

"Really?" I asked trying to figure out where he got the money for this. 

 "Why so surprised?" he asked while he walked over to the punching bags and picked up a backpack by the wall. I followed him and tried to see what he was digging for in the bag. 

"I'm not but uh, why are we here?" I asked, still confused. 

"We're training." he said as he threw a ball of clothes over to me.

 "What? Training?" I asked looking at him with one eyebrow raised. 

"Yep, now get dressed, bathrooms over there." he said pointing to a door about ten feet away. 

"Alright.." I muttered to myself as I swung the door open. I stepped in and locked the door just in case. I was surprised to see that it was very clean. I changed into the clothes which were a small size of red boys shorts and a white tee shirt. The shorts were definitely too small for Zack but fit me perfectly so he must have planned that, but the shirt was definitely his. It reached to the bottom of the shorts which were about down to my knees so it was pretty big on me. 

You could barely see my red bra through the shirt but it wasn't really noticeable so I wasn't really all that worried. I shoved my clothes into my backpack that I still had and walked out to see Zack had changed into a white tee shirt and some blue shorts that both fit him perfectly.

 "What are we doing?" I asked as the bathroom door shut and he turned around. He walked over and grabbed some boxing gloves off the wall and turned to me. 

"Were boxing. Here, give me your hands" he answered. I lifted my hands up as he slipped them on and laced them up. He put his hand on my lower back and guided me over to the punching bag. 

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