Chapter 1: "Carnival Day."

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Autumn's POV

"Please Dad, please," I beg him. You see, my boyfriend; Alex is a Pack Warrior. He promised to take me out today on the carnival. He already had received permission from the Alpha and we were ready to go. Now I was just waiting Dad's "yes" and I'm off to the rides and food! Carnival food is the greasiest and the most delicious food and I want some right now.

"Please Dad, please!" I beg at him. I decided to try and use puppy eyes. I know that he can't resist them. I look deep into his eyes and try not to smile as I see he is about to give in.

Dad is the Alpha of our pack; The Blue Moon Pack. I am the only daughter of the Alpha Family. I have three overprotective brothers. The soon-to-be Alpha of our pack is my older brother Justin. Alec is the middle brother and the last brother is Trevor.

I was born with white as snow hair. As I grew older the tips of my hair turned red, I never was told why but I didn't mind it. I have beautiful jade color eyes with natural ruby plump lips. Although I eat like a pig, I don't get fat. I have a fast metabolism, it has it perks by having a slim figure and also a few bad thing. I stand about 5'4, shorter than my friends. Of course they love to tease me but I always make sure I get them back.

I really do miss my friends and brother. They are all in college at the moment and I'm the only one here at home with the pack. I just graduated but Dad doesn't want me going to college just yet. It quite stupid, but I have to wait till Justin graduates before I can go. Luckily it's in two months. I can't wait to get out of here and begin traveling!

With a sigh Dad answers "Fine you may go." He turns to Alex warning him sternly "You will protect her with your life Alex. If I find out that something has gone wrong... just remember whose hands your life is in." I roll my eyes looking over to Alex who is continuously nodding his head.

I give Dad a hug continuously saying thank you. He smiles and pats my back before kissing my forehead. "Be safe."

I take a step back standing beside Alex. He wraps his hand around my waste before speaking to Dad. "Yes Alpha."

"Bye Dad," I say as we turn around to leave the room.

"Okay, get ready and I'll wait for you downstairs." Alex says. He places a feathery kiss on my lips before leaving me to go get dresses. I quickly walk to my room to get dressed.

After taking a shower, I picked out my outfit, high waist black shorts, a white V-neck shirt and black converse. I wore my locket, wrist watch and a few bangles. After a few minutes of panic I found my phone underneath my pillow on my bed. I grabbed my wallet and made my way out the door meeting Mom on the way downstairs.

"Hi Mom," I smile closing the door behind me.

"And where do you think you're going?" She ask in a stern tone. I roll my eyes inwardly groaning. Seeing her eyes narrow, I quickly straighten up.

"I am going to a Carnival nearby. Alex already asked that Alpha for permission to come onto his territory. And I already asked Dad if I can go, which he said yes to." I explain.

Mom stares at me for a few seconds before opening her mouth to speak. "Okay, as long as you are safe and stay by Alex."

"Mom, Dad taught me how to fight even if seperat-, " I stop talking as I see her raise her eyebrows. "Even if I accidentally get separated from Alex, I can defend myself." I say trying not to add attitude.

"I know you can defend yourself, you're just my baby and I don't want anything happening to you," she sighed pulling me in for a hug. I rarely went places without my parents because they were so strict and boring. But when I did ever go out they made a hug deal out of it.

"Be safe okay?" I nod my head before giving her a kiss and going downstairs. Looking around I see that Alex wasn't in the living room. I opened the front door and saw him leaning against his car. He smiles when he sees me and gives me a wink. Grinning and closing the door behind me I walk towards him. He grabs me by the waist and flushes our bodies together kissing me hard on the lips. He growls against my lips before trying to bring my body close to his.

As much as I like Alex, he isn't my mate. We have been together since I was sixteen. I was so excited to shift so we could finally mate but was disappointed to find out that he wasn't. I didn't want to leave him so we decided to be each other's girlfriend and boyfriend. The way I feel around him... words can't even describe. He is always able to turn my frown upside down. We have been together for two years. He is older than me by two years.

We finally pull back for air and he presses our foreheads together. "Let's get on this road trip!" I say enthusiastically. He laughs and walks around to open the door for me.

"Mi amor," he says faking a French accent holding the door open. I laugh and sit down. He quickly walks to his side and sits in. He turns on the ignition and pulls off the drive way.

"How long do you think it will take?" I asked him looking around for my phone.

"About two hours at most," he replies. He glances over at me and continues to drive.

"Okay, wake me up when we get there," I tell him softy closing my eyes. I hear him shuffling around and open my eyes seeing that he was leaning to turn on the radio. I closed my eyes again to sleep.

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