Chapter 35: "Something Smells Fishy and It's Not The Salmon I Just Cooked."

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Autumn's POV

I woke up with the sound of the shower in the bathroom and i looked at my phone in the bedside table and saw that it was only 1 in the afternoon. Wow! I slept for a while, the pounding in my head was gone but not the- I stopped mid thought when i suddenly have the feeling of rising in my throat. The bathroom door opens, Damien sees me awake and smile but i don't have time i run to the bathroom immediately and to the toilet, puking what i think what's left of the food i ate earlier in the morning. 

I felt Damien pull my hair out of the way and rub my back in comfort as i continued to you know,yeah. I stop after a few more seconds and flush and close the lid of the toilet because the smell was horrid. I wash up and splash water in my face,Damien brings me to his chest and i bury my face to his chest, breathing in his scent to comfort me. 

"What's happening to me?" i whimpered at him, he pulls my head back so he can face me. He caresses my cheek and i lean to his touch, i hear him sigh and he kisses me in the forehead. 

"I don't know baby, but we will figure it out. I called the Patricia already-" 

"Who's Patricia?" i stop him mid-sentence. 

"She's one of the pack doctor, the one that you met in the bathroom." he says and i nod in understanding. 

"Again, i called her, she says everything is ready and we can go now." he tells me and i nod again. 

"Well you get dressed and i freshen up." i tell him and he nods and heads for the closet but not before giving me a mind-blowing kiss first. When he pulls back i am breathless and in dazed of how that kiss was so powerful, i look at him and see he's already looking at me with a smirk and gives me a cheeky wink then begins dressing up. I shake my head with a small smile and begin freshening up. 

I brush my teeth, wash my face and took a quick shower but not washing my hair cause its good as it is. I dress up in simple jeans, white v-neck shirt and black converse. I look over at damien and see his wearing the same thing but with combat boots. I giggle at how we unconsciously matched, he looked shocked but suppressed a grin after a few seconds. 

"Hey, we match." he says walking towards me. 

"Was your Bluetooth on?" i asked him feigning anger. 

"What?" he asked totally adorably confused. 

"Nothing." i said dismissing the subject immediately when i realize how weird i just got. 

"Okay..." he says slowly looking at me with an odd expression but i didn't dwell on it further cause he grabbed my hand and we walked out of our room and headed for what i think is the hospital wing in the pack. 

We talked while walking, coming up with theories on what's wrong with me. At some point i ended up being carried piggy back style by damien, i didn't mind cause i honestly i've been feeling a lot tired,dizzy and lazy nowadays. We arrived at the hospital wing and a nurse assisted us to where i would get tested. 

We were placed in a doctors room type thing, now we we're just waiting for Doctor Patricia to come. We sat in silence, Damien holding by his side tightly while i rested my head to his chest. A noise coming from behind alerted us but from how Damien relaxed immediately when he glanced at the back, it was safe. 

"Hello Alpha, Luna." the woman, Patricia, said bowing her head and looking at us with a small smile on her face. 

"Hello." i said softly giving her a smile of my own while Damien just gave her a nod his cold facade now in place. 

She looked different from when i met her in the bathroom, she was now wearing a black pencil skirt that reached above her knees, a white crisp button up, her doctor coat thingy (the white thing they wear), and black heels. Her hair was now in a tight bun and soft light make up. She looked professional unlike her casual attire form before. From what i can see she is nervous (probably from Damien) and excited at something. 

"Luna, i gathered that you have been puking often, dizziness and tired almost all the time." she asked me and i nodded as a response. 

"You might just have a slight fever but to make sure we will need to do a blood test." she says. 

"That can happen?" i asked shocked and little disbelieved on having a fever. Werewolves were not known to get sick easily.

"Yes, it can happen often but it doesn't lead to anything worse or anything." she reassured and i nodded in understanding. 

"Well, then that is settled. I would just like for you to come with me Luna." she said standing up and i did too but then remembered Damien was still there.

"I'm going as well." Damien said and the doctor lead us to a room that has plain white walls, a chair and some other things. 

"Please sit on the chair Luna and i will check your temperature." she says and i do. Damien stands beside me while holding my hand. 

"Baby i-" he said but then stopped, i was confused as to why but when i looked into his eyes i knew that he was talking to someone over the mind link. After a few minutes late his eyes turned back to normal. 

He sighs and said, "Baby, I'm sorry but i need to go. I forgot that i was leading the training today." 

"It's fine. Go." i told him pushing him a little in the direction of the door. 

"Are you sure? cause i can cancel." he says trying to sound like he doesn't care or whatever but his eyes betray him, i can see he needs to go. 

"Yes,now Go!" i told him.


"Go." I told him firmly, cutting him off. 

"Fine, bye love you." he says giving me a kiss on the forehead and to my nose then to my lips. 

"Love you too." i call out to him when he was halfway out the door, he looks over his shoulder and gives me a charming smile that would make any girl melt. 

The doctor checked on me and said everything as fine now, maybe it has gone. Then when it was in the blood taking i was bit scared cause i never liked this thing, even when i was a kid i would run away form the doctor when i needed to get blood test but now there's no lace to hide. Everything went fine and after everything was done i went back to the pack house and to the kitchen to bake some cupcakes, cause i was seriously craving them. 

I took all the ingredients and things needed and started to made them. I made vanilla flavored cupcakes with chocolate frosting that has chocolate chips on top and a little piece of cookie. So many calories but i don't care i love food. 

I think some people smelled my cupcakes and decided to come to the kitchen, i made more cause many more people wanted them and by the time i was done making more cupcakes it was dinner time. I bonded with the people who occupied the kitchen while i was cooking cupcakes. They were so fun to be around and funny as hell. 

I made dinner with the omegas and when we were done, everything was set and we we're ready to eat. That's when i decided to call Damien on the mind link.

"Damien..." i called out.

"Hey, What's up?" he replied sounding a  bit strange. 

"Baby, it's time for dinner aren't you coming home?"

"Sorry, darling but i have a lot of work i need to do so i won't be able to come home early." he says and i understand my friend was just like that when he was alpha. Speaking of my family i just got a call form my mom hours ago in the middle of baking cupcakes that my brother, Justin was having a party to announce that he was now alpha and in search of his mate. 

I was so happy for him but saddened that i wasn't there to see how he looked like when our father told him that hew was now the official alpha of my old pack. Gods! I miss my old pack, my old room, my brothers,my food there. Yes i have a cupboard in our house where i am the only one allowed to into to. 

"Oh, well it's fine. Just going to leave you some left overs okay?"

"Okay, snow. I have to go now. Love You." he says sounding a bit in a hurry. 

"Okay, love you too." i say with a from and a little e suspicious with his behavior. 

Something Smells Fishy and It's Not The Salmon I Just Cooked. 

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