Chapter 44: "Small Bump."

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Autumn's POV

I wake up feeling sick and ran straight to the bathroom. After washing myself and putting on fresh clothes. I felt better already. Damien was already gone by the time i woke up so i guessed he had some Alpha duties to do. I went downstairs to find an empty house, I didn't hear another sound other than my footsteps.

I waved it off and just went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I cooked some ham and eggs and toasted bread. I finished cooking in 10 minutes and drank some orange juice. 

As i washed the dishes i gazed at the window on the side and saw the normal routine of patrol. I waved at them in which they returned the gesture and went back to what they were doing. I finished cleaning and went to the living room to watch some shows but before i sat down i remembered that i was craving for ice cream and grabbed Ben and Jerry's in the freezer and also a spoon and finally sat down.  I was so focused on the re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S that i didn't notice Damien sit beside me until he took the ice cream 

What the?!

I look at him in surprise and punched him in the arm. 

"What the hell Damien?! That's Mine." i growled at him, my emotions suddenly rising up with anger. He smirked and got some ice cream and ate it with his finger. My mood shifted so fast i didn't even see it coming. My eyes suddenly filled with tears and my lip quivered. He saw the shift and immediately brought me to his chest. I sobbed in his shirt while punching him in the arms. He kept tight in his arms until i calmed down. 

"Tha-at wa-as m-mine." i cried in his chest, he runs his fingers to my hair to calm me down which worked. 

"I'm sorry, baby. I won't do it again. Why don't we go grocery shopping and i'll but you anything you want." he says making soothing circles on my back with his other hand. 

"R-reall-yy?" i stuttered raising my head, looking up at him. 

"Yes, anything for you." he says wiping my tears away and kissing me lightly on the lips. 

My mood shifted again and i suddenly felt brighter. I hopped off his lap and stood in front of him wearing an excited smile on my face while holding his hand. 

"Let's Go." i said pushing him off the couch to stand up. He laughs at my shifting mood and wraps his arm to my waist and kisses me on the forehead as we walk. We went outside to his car, got inside and drove off to the Pack Super Market. 

He was driving while i was gazing out the window. I decided to ask him what's been bothering me minutes ago. 



"Where's everybody? When i woke up nobody was at the pack house, even Stephen and my other guards." i asked him, he tenses slightly and answers me tersely. 

"Pack Business." i furrowed my eyebrows at his answer. 

"What pack business?" i ask him again. 

"Oh, you know. Just some pack business." he says shifting in his seat. 

"Yeah you already said that, i'm asking again what pack business?" i asked him

again suddenly getting mad again. He notices my change in mood and answers immediately. 

"Everybody's doing something, example Casey's in the Pack Day Care taking care of pups, Stephen was guarding you outside like i asked him to." he explains. My mood falters into content. 

"Okay. I'm sorry for the sudden mood changes, must be hormones or something. i don't know, why don't we go to the pack doctor after grocery shopping." i said.

"yeah, so we can see what's been going on with our baby." he says looking at me smiling and looking back to the road. I smile as he reaches for my hand, entwines it with his and put it in my small bump. 


Hey Guys! Sorry for the very short update, i just wanted to tell you that i am still alive and trying to create an update an even longer one than this. So I'm still very busy but found a way to update this. 

Oh and bad news my laptop is broken, just using my mom's here for a project and sneaked this small update. So back to my broken laptop, the screen is crack like big crack and just trying to get it fixed but i need to raise money first so i'm working on it. Well See You! 

~Ciao! :) 

~RicciTheGreat! :) 

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