CHAPTER XI: Samantha

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I woke up for no reason at all. It's that moment when one wakes up without any help from any alarm. Like I had enough sleep. Like I had a wonderful sleep.

I looked at my bedside table and it said 7am. From squinting my eyes to see the time, a throbbing pain from the inside of my head struck me and memories from last night came flooding back. Rooney. Mental breakdown during the show. Tequila. Cara.

Cara! My mind instantly shifted from half asleep to fully awake. I flinched on my bed, suddenly noticing a slender arm wrapped around my waist. And then I felt someone's warm breathing against my nape, giving me slight goosebumps. I could smell that familiar sweet citrusy scent. I tried to listen intently against the noise from the streets outside. And then I finally heard it - a faint snore.

I carefully stared at the arm wrapped around me and my eyes darted to the hand. I could see a head of a lion tattooed on the index finger. The tattoo looked familiar. It convinced me to turn my head around just enough to see who was behind me.

Cara? Oh my God. It's friggin Cara. I went back to my original position, ensuring I have not moved a lot from the sudden revelation. 

Cara Delevingne's in my fucking bedroom. She's on my bed. We're actually sharing my bed. And she's literally spooning me. What the actual fuck happened?

I closed my eyes, shoveling out the things buried inside my head, trying to remember what happened that resulted to this. All I remembered was I got completely drunk. 

What if? But it couldn't be. I shook my head. That would be silly. But what if?

I went to peer inside the blanket we were also sharing just to make sure. My clothes from yesterday were still intact. I exhaled a sigh of relief. I had no idea if it was a good thing or a bad one. Not that I wanted something. But I know I was never really fond of one-night stands.

But how did Cara and I end up here?

I couldn't seem to remember how I arrived at my apartment. I wanted to remember. I felt like I need to remember. But I just couldn't. Maybe she just needed a place to crash. Maybe that's all it was, Sam. Calm the friggin down.

I squirmed on the bed as I carefully removed Cara's arm above me, attempting to slide off the bed without waking her up. Then I stopped myself.

Why would I want to get out of bed? I'm here and a gorgeous human being is sleeping beside me. I quietly turned around to face her.

God. She looks so perfect. Her mouth was slightly open but she wasn't drooling. Such perfect lips. I bet they are soft and warm. I shook myself. 

Her angelic porcelain face. Her strong eyebrows. Her luscious hair. I wonder whether she has dirty blonde hair or light ash brown. I couldn't help but smile because even though her hair was tousled, she still looked effortlessly beautiful. I noticed she had a small diamond tattoo on her ear and it made her different from others. From Rooney. And I wasn't sure why I was comparing her from Rooney. 

Cara's different. And I like her being different. God, what am I even thinking?

I heard Cara sniffle. I thought I was making a lot of noise just by staring at her so I tried to be still by stopping my breathing or slowing it down. It was only until when she drifted back to sleep that I was finally able to breathe.

I could just stay like this. Just staring at Cara. Savoring the warmth from her body. We could just stay like this forever. If I had the entire time in the world, I'd choose to be here with her in front of me. If I had the power to turn back time, I'd doubtlessly choose this perfect moment all over again.

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