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"What's in Cara that I don't have, Sam?" Rooney asked, her voice painfully loud.

I couldn't speak, as if I didn't know how to talk anymore.

"We've been together for two years... and you've only known her for a short time, how can you be so fucking sure it's love?" Rooney went on. I knew she was talking about Cara. Her eyes were glaring at me. They were red, probably from crying. I could hear her sniffle and her nostrils were flaring.

I wanted to defend myself. I wanted to say that love doesn't have to take time. It just happens. Like love at first sight.

But I couldn't speak.

Then I woke up.

That was some dream, I thought to myself. Then I turned my head to look at the body beside me.

Cara was snoring lightly while her back was at me. A smile drew on my face. I know this is love. This is love Cara and I shared. And I don't have to doubt about it.

I went to spoon Cara and the warmth from her body was like fire of love.

Cara and I went to go to that coffee shop one morning. Funnily, the old lady who shushed Cara before was also there, reading a new book. I was trying hard to stop Cara from confronting the old woman.

"Imagine what would have happened if we haven't met," Cara uttered unconsciously after various topics.

I smiled. "I don't even want to think about it."

Cara chuckled. I was running my finger along the edges of my cup then her hand went to hold mine and I held her back. It was amazing.

We just stared at each other as we sipped our drinks, mine, coffee and hers, tea. Sometimes, we would have a staring contest, without moving and laughing. I always lose. It was impossible with her being funny by twitching one pupil. I knew no one else who can do that. Only Cara. And I'm falling even more in love.

"I want to give you something," I said, looking down because I was already blushing.

Cara smirked as her eyes smiled at me. "It's not yet Christmas, but I'd totally accept it."

I laughed. Then I handed her a small red box. As she opened it carefully, she swallowed a lump in her throat.

Then her dimples showed as she bit her lips to suppress a smile, "It's a key to your apartment?"

I nodded. "I just thought.. that you know... since we're together now..."

Cara looked at me both troubled but, I think, happy.

Then I quickly added, "I'm not asking you to move in, though, if that's what you're thinking,.."

Cara immediately shook her head in disbelief. "No, I'm definitely not thinking about that, Sam--"

"I just thought that, it would be easier if, just in case, you wanted to go to my apartment--"

Then Cara laughed nervously as her hand went to massage the back of her neck, "Actually,... I was going to ask you to move in with me..."

What she said sparked a fire inside of me, "You do?"

"... I'm not rushing you though... If only that's okay with you," Cara immediately interjected.

I shook my head as I held her hand tighter. "It's okay, Car. I'd love to," I answered back. And I think I saw her blush.

Later that night, we were having a sumptuous dinner at Cara's apartment. We just laid out there on the floor, with Thai food and wine. It was simple. But to us, it was more than perfect.

I SEE YOU NOW (A Cara Delevingne Fanfic) GxGWhere stories live. Discover now