RWBY Part 6 - Initiation

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A/N - Guys. We're starting initiation are you excited. We're going to kill some Grimm and maybe find a partner to form a group with. Let's hope so. Enjoy part 6
You awake from your slumber to find somebody lying on top of you. Somebody you do not know.

Y/N - Umm. Hello.

??? - Huh? Oh. *her face turns red* I'm sorry!!! *jumps off of you*

Y/N - Hey it's no problem. Believe me when I say that it isnt the first time.

??? - o-oh. Okay.

Y/N - Well now that we've got that cleared. The name's (Y/N). What's your name?

Mizure - My name's Mizure. It's nice to meet you (Y/N)

Y/N - Likewise Mizure. Now excuse me while I get dressed.

Mizure - Y-yes. I'll leave you for now then. Bye

Y/N - See you later.

It takes you a few minutes to get dressed into your combat outfit (you can choose what it looks like) and for you to grab your weapon. When you finished Ruby approched you.

Ruby - Hey (Y/N) I've realised that I've never actually seen your semblence. Why is that?

Y/N - Well to tell you the truth Ruby. Nobody has ever seen my semblence.

Ruby - Why?

Y/N - It's too dangerous for the people around me. If anything I may use it during initiation if i get into trouble.

Ruby - I really want to see it now!!!

Y/N - Well if you can take it. You can see it.

Ruby - Oh I can take it. Remember our duel at Signal?

Y/N - The one where I took you down in about a minute? Yeah I remember.

Ruby - You did not! But anyway I think I'm able to hold my own.

Y/N - We'll see then won't we?

Just then you heard Glynda Goodwitch on the speakers annoucing for all the first years to head to the cliffs.

Y/N - Well we should head over there then shouldn't we?

Ruby - Yeah!!!

After that you and Ruby headed to the cliff with everybody else. Jaune still trying to flirt with Weiss.


At the cliffs (after Ozpin's Explanation)

Y/N - Wait. So you're launching us off the cliff.

Ozpin - that is correct Mr (Y/N)

Y/N - Oh. Okay. Good luck Jaune!!!

Jaune - Haha. Very funny (Y/N)

You laugh at his comment and get ready to get launched, but you feel someone's eye piercing you. You look around to see Mizure looking at you with a slight blush before being launched into the forest.

Y/N - 'Well that was weird.'

Your thoughts were interupted by Yang calling to you.

Yang - Could luck out there (Y/N). Wouldn't want your delicious body to get hurt would we? *winks*

Y/N - Same goes for you. Wouldn't want your beautiful locks and ... assets to get damaged now.

You say looking away before getting launched into the forest. But little did you know the huge blush on Yang's face as you said your sentence.
While in the air you switched your bow into your dual daggers and lodge them into a nearby tree to slow your descent. This works for the first few seconds until you lost your grip and fell the remaining height. Which unluckily for you, was about 20 feet. Meanin that you couldn't reach your weapons.

RWBY x Reader - well done a harem!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora