RWBY Part 7 - Teams???

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A/N - Right so we get to find out what team we're on today. Are you hyped? Because I'm hyped. I can't wait to find out who we are teamed with.

Ozpin was listing through a bunch of people of made it into which team. You didn't pay attention to it that much though.

Ozpin - Jaune Arc, Phyrra Nikos, Nora Valkarie(??), And Lie Ren. You all collected the white rook pieces. From now on you shall be JNPR. Led be Jaune Arc.

Meanwhile at team JNPR

Jaune - Wait what??

Phyrra - Congratulations Jaune.

Meanwhile with you.

Y/N - Wait What?

Mizure - Congratulations Jaune. Come on (Y/N) be nice to him.

Y/N - Yes I know. Congrats Jaune.

Ozpin - And finally. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona and Yang Xiao Long. You all collected the White Knight pieces. From now on. You shall be known as team RWBY. Led by. Ruby Rose.

Yang - Well done Ruby.

Ozpin - You shall all go to dorms for the night. Well done on entering beacon.

Mizure - What about us?

Y/N - I don't know. So lets find out. Come on Mizure. *pulls Mizure along with you while looking for Ozpin.*

Mizure - Professor Ozpin!!!

Ozpin - How may I help you Mizure?

Mizure - Well you didn't say our names when you were announcing the teams. So what's happening?

Ozpin - Well Miss Mizure. You and Mr (L/N) will be a two man team.

Y/N - Wait what?

Mizure - Okay. So we're not expelled?

Ozpin - No you're not. Now enjoy your time at Beacon.

Y/N - Certainly sir.

The two of you then headed to the dorm Ozpin gave you.

Y/N - Well that was a close call

Mizure - It certainly was. But we get to stay at beacon, a room to ourselves and more free space.

Y/N - It's gonna be a long term sleepover.

Mizure - Yeah if you see it like that.

You notice her blush slightly but you don't say anything and start to unpack your stuff.

Mizure - Hey (Y/N) Why do you want to become a Hunter.

Y/N - Hmm. How do I put this. Well ever since I was a boy I wanted to be one. My father was one. And he would always tell me stories about the hunters and how they did what they could to protect people. And I guess I wanted to be just like them. Why do you want to be a Huntress Mizure.

Mizure - I want to become a Huntress so that I can explore the world of Remnant. That's always been my dream. To visit areas like Haven or Mistral. Or maybe even find some new areas that havent been discovered. That's why.

Y/N - Wow. Well Mizure. I think you should follow your dream. And as your partner and friend. I will help you every step of the way.

Mizure - Th-Thank you (Y/N).

Again you notice her blush but again ignore it. And continue to unpack.

Y/N - Mizure what's your weapon?

Mizure - Have you not seen it?

Y/N - I don't think so.

Mizure - Well I guess it would be okay for you to see my weapon.

She then looks into her suitcases and pulls a massive two handed greatsword.

Y/N - Oh god. You had that this entire time. That thing is huge!!! Remind me not to get on your bad side. Or annoy you too much. But then again. I should learn from my mistakes. Annoying Robyn almost got me killed. And she only had a one-handed sword. You Mizure, have a two-handed sword. I could die if I were to annoy you. And what can I do to defend myself? I've no amour. Oh wait. That's what I should use that piece of metal for. Amour. Not a shield. (Y/N) you're a genius. Having a shield would make it extremely difficult to wield my bow and daggers.  But it would benefit me when I have my weapon in one-handed sword configuration. Whereas with amour it won't slow me down as much. And it'll be easier to wield all of my weapons.

Mizure - Why do I have to stay with the nut job?
A/N - Right. So the teams have been decided. And you are sharing a room with Mizure. Possible relationship? We'll find out soon enough! This time we had 702 words. A little short for what I usually have. But it was still fun to write. I hope you enjoy this chapter guys. I know I did. And I shall see you next time. But until then. I bid you Adieu *bows out*

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