RWBY Part 17 - Rap Battle

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A/N - Well Howdy! It is I Shio~ And I was laying in my bed. Just thinking to myself. I really ought to write a chapter. So here I am. I hope you enjoy Part 17 of RWBY - Well done a Harem.


The sun was only just beginning to rise over the city of Vale. The light of its rays shimmering as it filtered through the curtains of Team (Y)MR.

It was in fact (Y/N) who was the first to arise. Rather annoyed at how his peaceful dream was rudely interrupted by the sun.

He sighed, clearly annoyed as he sat up in his bed. Looking around his dorm and seeing his two classmates still asleep. A smirk appeared on his face as he thought up an idea.

----🎤Tiny Timeskip🎤----

It was all set up. The bowls of lukewarm water was in position. He gently placed the hands of Mizure and Robyn into the bowls and left the room. Having already gotten  changed for the day.

On his travels he came across the two male member of team JNPR. The two were chatting amongst themselves until they saw (Y/N)

"Hey (Y/N). What's up?" Jaune asked rather happily. Which was odd for a Monday morning. For anybody!

"Greetings." Ren said with a small bow.

"Hey you two! I'm alright. Annoyed that the sun woke me up but what can you do? Also Ren. There is no need to be so formal."

"So (Y/N).." Jaune said while wrapping an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. Or attempting to at least. "A small bird told me that you're quite talented at singing. Or more prec-"

"What Jaune is trying to say is that he wants to challenge you to a Rap Battle." Ren said cutting the blonde boy off.

"God dammit Ren!" Jaune sulked as his moment was taken from him, all the while (Y/N) merely chuckled.

"Yeah I'm down for that. Just don't choke on me okay?" He said with a laugh as he walked off down the corridor while Jaune asked Ren what he meant by 'choke'. And Ren just sighing.

Now another reason why (Y/N) wanted to move on was because he knew that Mizure and Robyn would be waking up any minute with their hand in a bowl of lukewarm water. And their bed sheets soaked with their own urine. So he knew that he was going to die. And so he kept walking, laughing while he still had a mouth.

--🎤Another Tiny Timeskip🎤--

(Y/N) was sat in the courtyard of Beacon Academy. Humming to himself as he thought of what he could do to battle Jaune. He could freestyle it. But it had been a while since he had rapped properly and so decided against. Luckily for him he remembered a video he once watched. Quickly texting Nora, Ruby and Yang. He had everything set up. Now he just had to wait for Jaune.

Fortunately, he didn't need to wait for long as he saw Jaune dressed up like he's actually serious about this. While (Y/N) was just wearing casual clothes. Walking toward him as if he was slow motion.

"Jaune hurry up already. God damn." (Y/N) shouted to him making him jog over to him. Team JNPR and RWBY in tow.

"I see you're all alone (Y/N). Nobody believe that you had what it takes to go up against me?"

RWBY x Reader - well done a harem!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin