RWBY Part 11 - Yellow

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A/N - Hey guys. It's me. Your friendly neighbourhood author. And It's finally time. I put the names I were given into a random name picker and the was well from the title you can probably guess. But it was Yang. Now on with part 11.


It's been a week since that night with Velvet. And since then she's been ignoring me. I should probably ask what's wrong with her. That'd be a good thing to do. Let's go do that. As you began to run you hit something soft and bounced back landing on your butt

??? - Oh sorry (Y/N). Are you okay?

You look up to see that it was Yang that you ran into.

Y/N - Oh yeah I'm fine. Sorry. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. I apologize for my inconvenience.

Yang - No (Y/N). You're nothing of the sort. You're the kindest guy I've ever met. Hey if it's okay with you. Can we have a duel?

Y/N - Have you not seen my fights with Ruby?

Yang - No but she gets incredibly flustered when we bring up the subject. So shall we duel.

You pondered on the thought for a moment.

Y/N - Sure why not. I get to beat both the sisters. I'm okay with that.

Yang - Don't act like yu've won just yet. I'm forbidding you from using your semblence while we fight.

Y/N - Okay. I guess. Don't want to destroy the school again. Or your pretty locks and face and other features.

Yang - (Y/N). My eyes are down here. You can stop looking at my hair now.

Y/N - But it's looks so soft. I wanna touch. You place a hand on top of her hair and ruffle it a bit

Yang - (Y/N). You. Are. Dead.

Her eye flash red. And she literally sets on fire as you realise what you did was a mistake.

(Y/N) - I guess a simple sorry isn't going to solve this is it. Looks like we're starting this fight off with a bang!! Well since it's Yang. It more like we started this off with a Yang. You giggle to yourself hoping that your terrible pun would calm her down. To your dismay. She kept walking towards you gauntlets ready. I don't even have my weapons on me. Oh wait my locker.  You call your locker to land right inbetween you and Yang. Giving you just a few moments of peace to grab your weapon as fast as possible. Okay now I'm ready.

You switch your weapon into it's long sword configuration and get ready to fight.

Yang - What's that going to do to help you?

Y/N - Maybe it'll let me live a tiny bit longer?

Yang - Well let's dash those hopes shall we?

Y/N - Can't we just talk about th-OW!!
She punches you in the face knocking you into a nearby tree. Well I say nearby it was on the other side of the courtyard. Man that was painful. You got up ready to fight this time you changed your weapon into its bow configuration and started shooting arrows at Yang taking advantage of the distance she set between.

Yang - (Y/N) You're pissing me off even more now.

Y/N - That's never good.

Yang - Come here and let me kill you!!!

Y/N - How about no. I like my life. You climb up a tree quickly gaining height advantage and to protect you a little bit before continuing to shoot arrows at Yang

Yang - (Y/N) for god's sake get down here.

Y/N - You know what? No thanks I like it up here. I have squirrel friends and height advantage. And can we really not just talk about this. I said sorry.

Yang - NO. YOU CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO LIVE!!! She jumps onto the tree, next to you and punches you onto the ground.

Y/N - Well this isn't working. What do I have to counter her? Come on (Y/N) think. Argh damn it!!! She's here

Yang - Time. To. DIE

As you closed your eyes embracing your inevitable fate. You never felt pain. Mainly because you were never hit. In front of you was Mizure. Bastard sword in hand, standing over you.

Y/N - Oh Mizure am I pleased to see you.

Mizure - Care to explain what's going on here?

Y/N - I ruffled Yang's hair and now she's trying to kill me.

Mizure - Why is my team mate an idiot. Now Yang calm down. (Y/N) was only being friendly. He didn't mean to offend. Now calm down. Please. Before you kill all of us.

Yang - Fine. But if he messes with my hair again. I will kill him.

Mizure - I won't interfere.

Y/N - Hey. I'm still here you know?!?!

Yang - Shut up (Y/N). She punches you in the face and you black out.
A/N - Well guys. I'm back on this story it seems. Yang is the next girl so prepare yourselves for 5-10 chapters of Yang fun. So let's kick off with a Yang!!! And a fight. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And I hope you enjoy the next. But until then. I bid you adieu. *bows out*

867 words this time. Maybe we'll get more next time

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