RWBY Part 16 - One Night Out (Lemon)

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A/N - It is I Shio!!! Back with another chapter. Sorry it's taken absolutely ages. I was trying to figure what to write and how to write it. It took me a while. But now we're here. Word of Warning. This will be a Lemon chapter. Cream on top as well. End me... But! Without further ado. I present. RWBY Part 16 - One Night Out. Enjoy.
Well. I was right about something. The fact that once Robyn got out of the shower she would flip. What I didn't expect though. Was that she didn't immediately have her sword to my throat like Mizure would have done. Then again... if it was Mizure. Her sword would've been pushed through my throat already. Damn it Mizure this is what you make me think!

I'm brought out of my thoughts by my scroll going off, signifying that I had recieved a message.

"Robyn. As much as your lecture means to me. Can it be put on hold for one second" She nods her head and I quickly check the message. Yang...

"Hey (Y/N). I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight? You know hit the town." Yang's message had read

"Hmm... Sure. Why not. It'll be fun!" I replied

"Yay!!! Okay meet me outside of my dorm at 9pm. 'Kay?"

"9pm? That's a bit late don't you think?"

"Shut up and be here at 9pm"

"Yes Ma'am" With that I put down my scoll and continue to listen to Robyn's Droning lecture

Once her lecture was over, Mizure decided to wake up. Once Robyn had explained it to her, her eyes turned red with Fury. Luckily for me, the window was open, so using that I dashed towards it and jumped out. Forgetting that my dorm wasn't on the first floor

"Oh Shi-" I manage to say out as I hit the ground with a loud thud.

"(Y/N)!!!" I hear the voices of Mizure and Robyn shout down to me.

"Oww... That hurt" I say to myself, finally finding the strength to pick upself up of the ground.

I look around and notice that a crowd had gathered around me. And something else... bunny ears.

"(Y/N)!" Velvet yells grabbing me and pulling me into a hug

"Nice to see you too Vel." I barely manage to breathe out as she crushes me in her embrace.

I hear two more thuds behind me, meaning that Robyn and Mizure had just jumped down.

"(Y/N)!! Thank god you're okay!!!" I hear the two of them say

"Hey guys! Nice of you to join us"

Next thing I knew it all turned to chaos... Robyn and Mizure had seen Velvet hugging me and they didnt seem to like that. Not at all. I swear I could see electrical sparks flying between the three. But they decide they wanted to talk with Velvet 'privately'... I heard weapons being unsheathed as soon as they were out of sight.

"Right... well that happened. I'm gonna go this way" I point in the opposite direction of where they went and bolted. I would've activated my semblance to slip be everyone unnoticed. Buuuuut. We all know why I can't do that...

As I ran through the courtyard, I looked back at the massive crater that my body formed when I hit the ground. Bad mistake... Since I did that. I didn't notice the hand reach out to grab me.

I looked back to see the hand but it was too late, the hand had got a grip of my face and pulled me towards them. It really hurt my neck...

"Shhhhh. It's okay. It's me" ??? Said

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