RWBY Part 18 - White

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A/N - Hello everybody. It is I~ Shio. And I'm back with another chapter. The girl that won the draw was everybody's favourite tsundere. Weiss Cream. There wasn't really much other competition. (One person said Winter Schnee But she won't be introduced until later). But it's time to combat wittiness with tsundereness. I hope you enjoy.


I awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the wind blowing. Sitting up and stretching to properly wake myself up. Looking around I notice that Robyn and Mizure were already awake and ready for the day.

"Good morning sleepy head" Robyn said in a sickeningly sweet voice that could only mean that something bad was about to happen.

"Good morning Robyn. Mizure. You two look to be in a fine mood." I say with a smile trying to avoid any confrontation

"Oh yeah we're just fine. We're doing great. You on the other hand. Look as though you had an accident during the night." Mizure said with a giggle as she nodded her head toward my covers.

Looking down I could see what she meant. I had indeed had an accident.

"So. I'm guessing this is because of what I did yesterday morning huh?" I ask, though I already knew the answer.

"You mean when you made us wet ourselves while we were asleep? Oh no. Not at all." Robyn was still speaking in the sickeningly sweet tone. I was getting tired of it. And so I needed to find a way to get away from it.

"Oh no! How embarrassing! Whatever am I going to do!?" I said in the most sarcastic tone ever. "Excuse me while I clean myself up."

Grabbing my school clothes from the top of my drawers. I headed for the bathroom to shower and clean.

I could hear the two of them chuckling to themselves. While I stood in the shower thinking of one thing. How I was going to get them back.

But that's for another time. School was back in session and that meant we had lessons.. Again.. And who else would we have first other than.?

---Time Skip---

"Professor Port..." I groaned to myself and rested my head on the desk in front of me as Port rambled on about his youth and the tales of how many creatures of Grimm he had slain. When he suddenly said something of actual interest.

"Now. Which of you students believe they have what it takes to take down a Grimm right now." I lifted my head in disbelief and went to raise my hand but another thing distracted me. Another hand went up before mine. This hand belonging to a certain ice queen.

"I do Professor!" She somewhat exclaimed. And I could tell she was annoyed at something her voice was more, how do I put this. It was more determined I guess. She had been annoyed and so felt she needed to prove herself at something. Probably to show that she's better off being the leader of team RWBY than Ruby is herself. I know for a fact that she disliked Ozpin's decision and I guess she hasn't gotten over it yet.. Oh well..

"Miss Schnee. Wonderful. Go change into your combat suit and come back with your battle face on." Port guffawed and Weiss stood up and swiftly left the room to prepare.

"Hmm. I wonder what's up with her.?" I ask Mizure who was beside me despite probably knowing the reason already.

"No idea. But from what I saw. She got annoyed at Ruby for some reason. Guess she saw this as an opportunity?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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