RWBY Part 15 - Ideas

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A/N - Hello again. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. I ... kinda forgot about updating, then when I came to try and update it, I forgot what I wanted to write. But now I have ideas. I can update (hopefully). But without further ado. Part 15
So after my date with Mizure. The morning that followed I couldn't even get out of bed, the reason being, well a lets keep it at a naked blonde broad lying on top of me.

Y/N - Y-Yang!?! Wh-what are you doing?

Yang - Huh? Wha-? Oh mornin' (Y/N)

Y/N - Yeah good morning. Now answer my question.

Yang - What question?

Y/N - Why are you in my bed? And naked at that?

Yang - You looked cold in the night so I joined you in bed. And you know you like seeing me like this.

She moves her shoulders slightly that makes her breasts sway back and forth. It's kinda hypnotisi- no brain stop it

Y/N - I cannot confirm nor deny that I like looking at you naked.

Yang - Aww, you're no fun... She pouts

Y/N - Anyway you need to get out of here. For 1, we have classes and 2, if Mizure or Robyn wakes up and sees us, sees you, I'm gonna be the one looking at the business end of their swords.

Robyn - Mornin' (Y/N)

Y/N - Quick hide!

You push Yang under the duvet so she's laying flat and unnoticable

Robyn - Who was you talking to (Y/N)?

Y/N - No one!

Robyn - You sure?

Y/N - Yup!

Robyn - Okay. Well I'm gonna go ahead and take first shower.

Y/N - Okay have fun!

Robyn - Will do. She leaves the room, slipping into the bathroom.

Y/N - Yang... why are you touching me there of all places...

Yang - I'm seeing how it would react to my touch.

Y/N - Well can you not? It feels ... weird

Yang - I don't know? Can I?

Y/N - Really? Just stop Yang

Yang - Awh fine... she pouts

Y/N - Thank you. Now head back to your dorm

Yang - I... can't blushes

Y/N - Why can't you? ... Oh. Did you really walk over to my dorm naked???

Yang - Maybe~

Y/N - Jesus Christ... Hold I'll you some of my clothes

You walk to the drawer containing all of your clothing and pick out a outfit for her to wear.

Y/N - It might be a bit tight... With me being smaller than you in height and other areas...

Yang - I get what you mean (Y/N), and don't worry about it being tight. It gives me more ideas for how I can  seduce you.  (A/N - That was a whisper)

Y/N - Whay was that last part?

Yang - Nothing, now excuse me while I go get changed.

She walks to the bathroom. You protest and try to warn her but its too late. She walks in on Robyn showering and rushes out, getting changed quickly in front of you before heading out winking as she leaves.

Y/N - Well. As soon as Robyn gets out of the shower I'm dead. I'm honestly surprised that Mizure didn't wake up... No point in prolonging it by hiding, so I guess I'll just sit on my bed and wait for my inevitable demise.
A/N - Well guys, there you have it. Chapter 15. Sorry it took so long and I'm sorry it's so short, it's only 553 words. But I hope you enjoyed it. I wonder what these ideas of Yang's are? What ever they are... theyre probably gonna end badly. So I hope you enjoyed. And until the next chapter. I bid you adieu *bows out*

RWBY x Reader - well done a harem!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant