I love you.

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"Your baba has postponed his visit" I told Aabish in a low voice.

He was glad the delay occurred,I don't understand why he hates his father,his family,his last name but that's a issue with him and the word 'judgemental',yep that too.

He walked with me a little farther from the mansion and we were strolling and discussing all the things we shouldn't.

"Did you watch the DVDs?"
He asked.

"Nah, I didn't had time"
I answered sitting on the step on the mansion as we now reached after strolling for an hour away.

"They have no video" he said lightly.

I shook my head and laughed. "Why did you do that?" I asked smiling at him.

"I don't know, what are your plans for today" he asked.

"I don't have any plans such such,might join some gossip session if it occurs you know" I replied.

"If it won't happen,I'll make one" he said gazing into the woods.

He's a tad crazy. "Oh yeah we have Khurshida Aunt,the maid bringing her daughter today to apply henna design on our hands. I'm excited!" I said remembering that I had plans for night.

He laughed "what! Why would you apply all temporary things on yourself your stay here,make at least something permanent Noor!"

I want to make Burhan permanent. I swapped out of my thoughts to answer "I don't know if it makes sense but she says the darker the heena stain (color) the  deeper will your husband love you!"

"Fancy" he replied. He kept staring my face till I punched him. He then scrunched his nose and said "you bought this sh*t?"

"Yeah,I mean there's nothing to loose. We could at least put a trial of our future love's till then" I muttered.

"I'll too have myself be stained with henna to know how much would I be loved" he said with a cross smile.

"Henna is for girls!" I protested.

"Who says?" He saw Abraam walking in the living room,he held his both arms and screamed "Abraham tell me isn't henna for boys too!?" He lifted him in the air to which Abraam laughed cheerfully and cheered "yesssssh"

He landed Abraam down and lifted eyebrows at me.

"Don't tell me you're announcing a baby's yes as final decision?!"I groaned.

"He is more trusted than Granna,she after midnight says all explicit stuff like 'yo man yesh' !" His statements made me laugh,he's makes no sense at all!


Mehreen was sitting on the bed as I waited my henna to be completely dried. Mehreen has washed her hands as she was the first applicant. I was so the last to my state.

This is beautiful, I'm excited to see the color it unfolds but before anything manifests I'm extremely hungry,I haven't eaten anything since noon and my stomach now rumbles at the thought of food. Everybody else has eaten.

Mehreen has spoon-fed everybody. She looked at me and smiled "are you shy to be spoon fed by me Mahnoor?"
I shyly nodded. I sat on the bed close to her as she fed me the dinner with so much love and smiles.

She's just like my aunt, my aunt has a rough life. Their financial conditions are weak,uncle is a man of naive temper,his rage has been witnessed by all,his fouls and misbehavior has alarmed us all. He is never heartily welcomed but by compulsion. He is always rude to aunt. Aunt on the other hand is a complete opposite,she is graceful,patient and humble to her grounds. I've heard he doesn't treat his daughters right but all about my uncle is spoke in whispers. He's been abusive to my aunt to unacceptable extent. Mehreen is my Aunt's reflection,the same patience and happiness longing in her face,her responsible behavior and care is so resounding of affections.

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