The Moon and The Sun

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Suddenly everybody have acquired a sweet tongue towards me,surprisingly Mehreen is unnoticed. I feel a little hesitant to accept this love cause now happiness seems a bit daunting.

Burhan tries to cheer me up all day and Anya is always there.

My mum have also softened and now I'm going home with her after a week.

"I'll be back soon" I kissed Burhan.

"Don't go!" he whines.

"I have to,please!" I chuckle as hugs me from behind.

Mehreen is also leaving so I'm happy and stress free.

I entered in the car and he handed me something before we took the road. A paper boat. I smiled.

I felt the air refreshingly different. I smelled the sweetness in the supreme aura of the green flieds and sunlight kissed my cheek as we drove back home.

I never imagined to return home few days back but now I! Here and happy!

I rested for a week,me and Burhan cannot keep away from the phone. I met with Ameena and we had a lot to talk about.

But I still had few secrets,that I dared reveal. I was the safest to keep them within and my tongue only spoke of pleasure and disdainful arrogance was gossiped at the sides.

I went with Ameena to a event. We were joyous and Ameena was pregnant so there was a lot of baby shopping. When she placed the little socks over tiny shoes and adored a small T-shirt on a casual jeans, I grew sad. I killed my baby. I shook my thoughts and smiled to her. It was for the best I reminded myself. She bought a lot of stuff,occasionally I was missing the spark as my guilt tortured me. Slowly and softly these words thrilled me.
I killed the child in me.

The sin was growing on me,I was irksomely avoiding her shopping trips now. I relaxed at home and the leisure of my books. Mum wasn't the same but she pitied me at times. It more than I could ask for. Masirah and tufayl didn't grew anything apart,they stayed the same. Sara comforted me at times and corrected my mum's mood if she ever thought about the bad days.

"Burhan let's not talk about your tears okay" I teased him on the phone,the sun shining on my face.

"Good lord you're not getting a single kiss from me,I have been waiting for nearly three hours for your reply!" He hissed.

"Burhan I was out with Ameena,she forced me for this movie"

"You watch movies,oh how do you watch movies? You already have stored enough drama from the books to go and see movies from the theater. Also I fear for the crowd there,tsunamis at the movie venue, Astagfiruallah homicide is a crime!"he stated.

I laughed. "It was a comedy movie"

"Oh then too you have a peculiar laugh when you're happy,that too is dangerous in public"

"Aah! You are such a tease,aren't you!"

"Oh yes I am,talking about that laugh,oh it stops my heart Mahnoor! Spare them a heart failure;only laugh to me"

I smiled, "such a flirt"

"If phone's could receive sense receptors, yours would blast. My feelings are dangerous right now"

"Ooh you're getting too good at pickup lines"

"Oh I'm getting good at a lot of things! Pity you ain't here"

"In that case I hope to see you soon,myself have learned some--" I stopped as Masirah laughed behind me. Tufayl from my right bursted out laughing.
I blushed! Embarrassed I hung up!

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